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Bruno was sixteen and preparing to go and see if Agustin or Maria were free to hang out with him that day...

Before he could leave Casita, Senora Montez was there.

He squirmed a bit under her scrutiny.

It always made him wonder how someone as bright and warm as Maria was the daughter of someone as frigid and cold as Senora Montez.

He wanted to excuse himself but Mama reached out a hand for him.

"Of course, Brunito will be happy to do that vision..."

"What kind of vision?" Bruno hadn't heard the specifics.

Senora Montez ignored him, just smiled gratefully at Mama.

Once Senora Montez was gone, Mama turned to him.

"Ana wants to know if Inigo will tame her daughter...."

"Maria's not a wild animal." Bruno hated when people used that term for Maria dating anyone.

(He also hated the idea of Maria dating anyone but that was probably just because the Montezes seemed to think that someone dating Maria meant someone would tame her.)

"Be that as it may, go and do that vision okay Brunito? For the Encanto. For the Miracle."

He nodded, turning to head back to his tower.

He never wanted to do a vision about Maria. Or Gus. They were his friends. And if he did a vision about them, maybe they'd hate him and not be his friends and he'd be stuck only relying on...

He finished setting up his rituals and took a deep breath.

Maria's walking on the edge of a roof. He'd seen her do that several times, he always was curious how she got on the roof, but never wanted to join her. seemed like someone did....

He recognized them as a couple of Inigo's cronies, his and Agustin's main bullies. They pushed...

They pushed Maria off the roof!

She fell and she didn't move. Inigo approached her, he saw the smirk.

Bruno had to go find Maria!

he tucked the vision tablet close to him and took off running, ignoring his hermanas as he ran.


Maria was walking on the edge of a roof.

She was bored, and she knew if she disappeared her parents would really get on her case.

So she was getting her energy out while still being visible.

She started to think about Inigo.

Inigo who had gotten in a fight with Agustin's sister who he was supposed to be betrothed to. Either her parents were really scraping the bottom of the barrel or they thought he'd be able to tame her because he was so quick to get into fights.

Either way, Maria was not looking forward to a day with him.

Part of why she needed the escape that walking along the edge of the rooftops provided.

She had done it enough that she was a regular sight for people that lived in the houses, they didn't care.

but oh her parents definitely cared. Part of the reason why she never climbed on her own house's roof.

Maybe if everything went well, in that she didn't run away from Inigo, she could spend the rest of the day with Bruno or Pepa or Julieta. She was more friends with Bruno, but Pepa and Julieta seemed to be very interested in her which she did not get....

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and goosebumps trailed up and down her arms.

She turned just in time to feel hands touch her.

Maria tried to fight their grip.

But there were more of them then there were of her.

She got pushed close to the edge of the roof.

"Hey!" She yelled, trying to turn and see who was doing this.

Before she could, she got pushed to the edge of the roof.

She was awake for the fall. It wasn't a very long one, all things considered.

But she collided with hard ground and her head seemed to make the hardest impact.

She blacked out.


Bruno wanted to scream when he found Maria.

She looked like she was sleeping, with the exception of a wound in the back of her head bleeding slightly and her leg twisted weirdly.

Bruno hurriedly picked her up, wincing when blood got on his ruana but not caring enough to not carry her to his hermana.

"I can take her." Inigo said.

Bruno ignored him.

"Hola...El chico Maldito..."

Bruno ignored him again, pushing past him.

He wanted to scream at Inigo for that but he wasn't brave enough so he just ran to his sister. "Juli!" He yelled.


Maria's in pain but she noticed it as it was fading.

First the pain in her head, then the pain in her leg and she comes to.

Almost as if she was waking up from a nap.

The first thing she sees is Bruno. Bruno who's a lot closer than he normally is and causes the two to blush when she realizes he's carrying her.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he put her down.

"Si..." She noticed the blood on his ruana. "Are you okay?" She repeated.

"Si si,..."

"That's your blood, not his." Julieta commented.

Maria snapped her head back towards him and Bruno smiled sheepishly.

"What happen..."

"MARIA MONTEZ!!!" Her papa yelled, making both of them jump.

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