Chapter 26

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For my whole shift, Auster avoided me.

I had just finished my shift on the beach and gathered my things to go home, I had gotten a message from Damien that he had to do something and couldn't meet me after work, but that he'll meet me at my apartment.

I didn't know how to feel about what Auster told me about Damien, I knew deep in my heart that he wouldn't lie to me, and if there was something I should know he would've told me by now.

Unless it was more shocking than him being an actual werewolf.

I was annoyed, and quite irritated that Auster got into my head again, the first time was when he was invading my personal life and my relationship with Damien, but now, he was telling me something while leaving the most important detail out.

Auster didn't trust Damien, his Alpha, and I knew part of it was because he had admitted to liking me, but the other part... I didn't know why.

Deciding to skip showering at work, I simply grabbed my things from my locker, put my kit away, and then left to walk in the direction of my apartment.

The whole way I thought about it, how crazy things have gotten in the span of two weeks since I met Damien.

Someone had tried to kill me, someone who had taunted Damien for years, someone who faked a scenario just to get a closer look at me, it made me wonder how many more times this would happen.

Is this going to happen every time someone wants to hurt Damien? They will just go for me?

This danger at every corner feeling made me feel nauseous, I didn't feel safe when he wasn't around me, and I hated that feeling, it wasn't my everyday norm.

Ten minutes later, I make it to my apartment and then notice a familiar car, and familiar face leaning against his car.

"Aaron?" I smiled when his head whipped my way, and he smiled at me, leaning off his car.

"There she is." He said as he wrapped his arm around me in a hug, then pulled away, looking down at me. "You just finished your shift at the beach?"

"I know, I'm gross." I laugh out, walking past him to climb the stairs to my apartment.

I make it to my door and fish for my keys in my bag whilst looking at Aaron, who looks the same, smiling, handsome and wearing running gear, which makes me wonder why he's here.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, opening my door.

"Yeah, yeah, I just feel like I haven't seen you in ages." He shrugs out, coming in and closing the door behind him. "I heard about... you know."

I turned around and looked at him once I put my bag down, to see him looking awkward as he stood there looking at me.

Oh, he heard about it.... of-course he did.

"I'm fine, really." I smile. "They caught the guy and now everything should go back to normal... hopefully!"

"Do I not look fine?" I joke, as Aaron smiles slightly.

"You do, which is why I'm a little worried about you Aelia." He said as he took a step forward, standing in front of me, with expressive eyes looking down at me.

"If anything is worrying you, you know you can always come to me, right?"

My chest tightens as I force a smile out and nod my head, not liking this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, knowing that Aaron could see through me, and my fake smiles.

Aaron is Auster's older brother, and they've both been nice to me, I knew Auster didn't like Damien, but Aaron hasn't said a word about my relationship with his new Alpha, which is probably a good sign.

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