Chapter 7

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When I woke up, Damien was nowhere to be found.

At first, I thought he did the classic 'one night stand vanishing act' but then I saw that he had left me a text message on my phone at 4AM this morning, saying;

Damien Wilder: Sorry I had to leave early text me when you wake up beautiful


I still couldn't believe what had happened last night, and that he spent the night here with me, it feels like some weird dream where I'm awake but still sleeping.

I felt like a nervous schoolgirl with a crush, he was obviously older than me, but I didn't know how old, and he had experience in the bedroom, which made me suddenly anxious and wonder if last night was just fun for him, or did it mean something?

His words from last night played over in my head, him saying that he 'couldn't hold back anymore' and that he was 'glad it happened', I just didn't know how to perceive any of it.

I decided to text him back now as it was 6 and I had been at work at 6:30, and I still needed to shower and get dressed.

I didn't even know what to say, Good Morning? Thanks for last night, you were the best sex I've ever had? God, no.

I'd just play it casual, until I found out more, until then I just had to try and be normal around him, especially at the pool, I didn't want anyone talking behind my back.

Me: Good morning :) I'm getting ready for work now

Getting into the shower, I felt so sore and ruined, like I just went five rounds with a professional ass kicker, I tried to clean myself the best I could but in-between my legs were tender and incredibly sore.

Damien was huge, I'd never even seen a guy that big before, or knew they got that big, I can't believe that thing was even inside of me, I must've been completely out of my mind last night.

I was probably lucky to be alive.

Once I showered and got dressed for work, I made my way towards work, halfway there I had gotten a text, and when I saw it was Damien, I couldn't help but get nervous and excited as my belly did summersaults.

Damien Wilder: Good, I'll see you soon

Jesus... did he know what he was saying, and doing to me? Something tells me he knew exactly what he was doing, and he liked me all flustered and nervous around him.

I had sex with him... oh my god, I was so embarrassed how needy and desperate I sounded last night, it was like I didn't have control over my own body when I was around him, I just wanted to be closer to him, to feel his skin on mine, constantly.

Once I got to work, I greeted the front desk girl and made my way towards the locker room, and with each step I was growing more and more nervous the closer I got, knowing that he was here.

"Yo, Aelia, wait up!" I heard a voice behind me, making me stop and turn around.

Auster was jogging towards me, with a smile on his face, he was already changed into his lifeguard uniform red shorts and a single red hoodie that wasn't zipped up.

"Hey." He said, stopping in front of me. "I tried calling you last night, did you fall asleep?" He asked, searching my face for an answer.

Damien's words come to mind and now I suddenly felt awkward around Auster, I had to wonder if he was right, and if so, how can I just go on like I didn't know anything?

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