1.3. The Fall of Skul

Start from the beginning

"What are we waiting for? Let's go and get him!"

"No. You four have a new mission. Stay here. Watch the girl." How is that fair we where the ones who discovered the girl and I was the one who found the base. I swear if I don't get some credit for this I will be having some words. Aneisha agrees with me although she doesn't know that as she does not know what I'm thinking. I hope not anyway.

"You're kidding? There's no way we're going to miss this."

"Agent Jones, until I find out who she is, watch that girl." Well there goes sneaking out with them. That was a direct order and if we were to break it we would be in deep shit. Stella and her team leave the room and we all look at Frank to see what we should do.

"We should probably take her back to HQ then" Frank said, because we didn't have much information on the girl, we had to blindfold her on the way to the school.
We get to the school in about ten minutes and we are back down in HQ just sitting around. Then Franks gets a call from his caretaker phone. Frank has to put on his caretaker voice, which I absolutely love.

"Alright, Mr F. What'd you mean the printer...? Just press the cancel button. Alright alright, I'm coming hang on and don't, press, anything." Poor Mr Flatley always getting himself in some sort of trouble.

"Right I have to go before there is a flood of paper. Stay here in HQ" and with that Frank goes up the lift to save Mr Flatley from the evil printer, that won't stop printing.

It was awkward to say the least, well not for Tom and I we were doing our normal and playing our game on the computer but don't tell Frank we are not meant to use the MI 9 computers for our own personal use, but it didn't matter as I couldn't focus because of the awkwardness in the room. So I decide to do what I said earlier I'm going to take V:9:5 outside.

"Come on we're going" I get a look from Dan.

"Why, were are we going" the girl said excitedly.

"We are going out into the school yard, I'll get you a spare uniform wait there" I jump up from my seat and go over to the cupboard at the back of the room. The cupboard had everything in it. It had spare Bleakwood uniform, spare MI 9 uniform, and some business uniform for the undercover work. I grab the school uniform off the hanger and give it to V:9:5 and she goes off to change. I then turn back to face the group.

"What are you doing? this is not what Frank said to do" Dan questions me.

"Give it a rest Dan, she has been inside SKUL her entire life I bet she has never  even seen a flower let alone a school"

"Yea come on Dan, this would be good for her" Aneisha says agreeing with me. We all then turn to Tom.

" I agree with whatever Alex says, I had to learn that the hard way" When Tom says the hard way it's not as bad as it sounds. What happened was we was playing a battle game with people and he didn't think my strategy would win, so we went with his idea and guess what. He did not win. He also owned me £20 we made a bet on who's idea was better.

V:9:5 then comes back in her uniform and Aneisha and I lead her over to the lift and the boys follow along.


"Frank said to keep her in HQ. What if she tries to escape" Dan was still going on about going against what Frank said.

"She won't do! Trust me,I've got a feeling about her." Aneisha then walks over to V:9:5 and we follow behind.

"Here, I took this from MI9. I hate not finishing a book."

"Really? You did that for me?" The girl said happily.

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