Prologue: A veil of deception.

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The sun dipped beneath the horizon, casting its final, golden rays across the bustling city. Nestled amongst the towering skyscrapers was an unassuming building, its façade elegantly understated. It was here that Dr. Seong-Ho Yoon, a man of great intellect and ambition, had established his esteemed private clinic.

As twilight began to settle, Dr. Yoon stood at the window of his office, observing the vibrant cityscape below. Tall and impeccably groomed, he exuded an air of confidence that was both alluring and intimidating. His sharp features and penetrating gaze seemed to see through the very souls of those who crossed his path. It was said that nothing escaped Dr. Yoon's notice, a statement that had served him well in his career.

The Yoon family had been doctors and scientists for three generations, and Dr. Yoon was no exception. His achievements, most notably the Nobel Prize for his revolutionary research, had earned him a revered position within the medical community. His clientele boasted names that would cause even the most seasoned socialite to swoon, and his expertise was sought by powerful individuals across the globe.

Yet, behind the veneer of prestige and accomplishment, Dr. Yoon harbored a darkness that threatened to consume him. For years, he had been toying with a new drug, one that he believed held the secret to reversing the aging process. The serum had undergone extensive trials, and the results were nothing short of miraculous. Those who had been administered the elixir appeared to shed years from their lives, their skin smooth and supple, their vitality seemingly inexhaustible.

However, this remarkable discovery came at a grave price.

Dr. Yoon had stumbled upon a chilling truth: to synthesize the serum, he required a steady supply of fresh blood. The grisly process involved draining his patients' vital essence, often with agonizing and fatal consequences. Yet, driven by his obsession, Dr. Yoon remained undeterred. In his mind, he was performing a service of inestimable value, and the ends justified the means.

As Dr. Yoon brooded over his dark secret, the door to his office creaked open, admitting the slight figure of Miss Kim, his devoted assistant. Small and wiry, she possessed keen, bird-like features that belied her intelligence. Her movements were quick and efficient, reflecting the nervous energy that crackled beneath her calm exterior.

"Doctor, the results of the latest tests have arrived," she announced, extending a file towards him.

Dr. Yoon's brow furrowed as he perused the documents, muttering under his breath as he scribbled notes on a nearby pad.

"Excellent, excellent," he murmured. "We can increase our production of the serum with these findings."

Miss Kim hesitated, her expression a study in apprehension. "Doctor, are you certain this is the right course of action?"

Dr. Yoon's eyes flashed dangerously. "Of course it is," he snapped. "We stand on the precipice of a monumental discovery, Miss Kim. Imagine a world free from disease and the ravages of age! We have the power to grant humanity eternal youth."

She nodded, though doubt gnawed at her insides. Over the years, she had borne witness to the devastating toll Dr. Yoon's experiments had taken on his patients. Many had perished, while others had been irreparably damaged. Despite this, her loyalty to Dr. Yoon remained steadfast, and she clung to the belief that his work would ultimately benefit mankind.

As Miss Kim departed, her intuition screamed a warning that she could not ignore. Dr. Yoon was a man of secrets, and she knew that some of those secrets could endanger them both. Yet, she steeled herself for the road ahead, prepared to defend Dr. Yoon and his research, no matter the cost.

Dr. Yoon's obsession with the serum and the quest for eternal youth had been born from a place of profound pain. Years prior, he had watched helplessly as his beloved sister succumbed to the ravages of cancer. Her death had left a gaping chasm in his heart, and he had vowed to dedicate his life to eradicating the suffering that had taken her from him.

However, as his research progressed, his initial intentions began to wither, replaced by a consuming fixation on the notion of eternal youth. The pursuit of this tantalizing goal slowly twisted Dr. Yoon's once-noble cause into something far more sinister.

One evening, as he stood before his sister's grave, the weight of his transgressions bore down upon him. Tears streamed down his face as he promised to honor her memory by using his knowledge for the betterment of mankind, rather than his own selfish desires.

But fate had other plans.

As Dr. Yoon turned to leave the cemetery, a shadowy figure materialized from the darkness, its eyes cold and calculating. It was in that moment that Dr. Yoon realized he was not alone in his knowledge of the serum and the unspeakable acts he had committed in its creation. A sense of dread crept over him as he understood that the price of his secrets could very well be his life.

Thus began a treacherous game of deception and intrigue, with Dr. Yoon desperately attempting to keep his secrets buried, even as the enigmatic figure drew ever closer. In the murky world of immortality and ambition, trust was a rare commodity, and Dr. Yoon found himself ensnared in a web of lies and betrayal.

As the shadows lengthened and darkness enveloped the city, the stage was set for a thrilling tale of suspense, where one man's obsession would lead him down a path from which there could be no return. The pursuit of eternal youth, it seemed, came with a price – one that Dr. Yoon might not be willing, or able, to pay.

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