Long awaited Betrayal Pt. 2

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I got so many positive responses from part 1. So here is part 2. I hope you enjoy it!


*Lelani's P.O.V.*

To start Monday Night Raw, Roman, Solo, Paul, and I will come out to address our wins from this weekend. Well, let's put it this way, Paul Heyman will talk because anymore, my brother can't speak for himself, and according to Paul, I shouldn't be wasting my time talking when I should be preparing for matches, and I should be relaxing. Oh, how I want to knock his teeth down his throat. 

And as for Jimmy and Jey? Well, they aren't aloud to be here on Raw tonight. Afterall, they did lose their tag team championships. But I'm not mad at my cousins! They gave it their all to retain their belts, and I am proud of them. And I made sure to tell them both that, because we all know Roman wasn't going to tell Jimmy and Jey that 'hey you may have lost, but you had a great reign.'

Before the show, I had called Dean. He told me that Cody had a plan, so I wanted to know what this plan was before Raw started. Dean had told me what the plan was, and I will say, I like this plan. Of course, there are many reasons how this plan could go wrong. For instance, what if my cousins stick their nose in the middle of the plan? I had so many thoughts running through my head, but my husband made sure that everything will be okay, and soon, him and I will be reunited once again. 

I grabbed my titles, and left my lockeroom, and headed for Gorilla. There, my brother, Paul, and Solo were. Roman smiled at me, and gave me a hug. I hugged him back, before I strapped my one title on my waist. 

Roman's music hit, and Roman looked over at me before we walked out. I didn't dare spare him another glance. I just looked down at my wedding ring. I heard him like he wanted to say something, but disregarded it, and walked in front of us. I walked out behind him, then Solo, then Heyman. We did our entrance, and Roman let me walk in front of him for once. I let the way and kept my head held high. I entered the ring, where we finished our entrance. I stood on Roman's left with a wicked smile. 

Paul picked up a mic and began to talk. Paul went on and on and on about how we walked out victorious, how we are the most dominant people in our respective lockerooms. He went on to say how we made our family proud. I rolled my eyes when no one was looking. I could feel myself growing irritated by the second. 

However, his speech suddenly stopped when Cody's music hit. I sighed in relief as I saw the couple walk out. 

Cody and Brynn walked side by side

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Cody and Brynn walked side by side. Cody let Brynn go first, and he lowered the ropes for his wife. They already had mics in their hands. While Brynn looked calm, Cody's jaw was clenched. You could tell he was mad. Cody was glaring daggers at Roman, Solo, and Paul. When he looked at me though, his eyes softened. 

Brynn's eyes stayed on me. But I never once spared her a glance. I began to fidget with my ring and ensured I had a tight grip on my title on my shoulder. 

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