To Join or Not Pt.2...

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Here is part 2 of To Join or Not. This one is probably one of my favorites in this entire book.

It's been weeks since the Baddies interfered in the Black Pool Combat Club's interview, and Talia Jordan stepped up to Jade and her goons. The Baddies think that Talia is alone, but she has her friends behind her. Talia has Kris, Ruby, and MJ. Talia wants a shot at the TBS championship, but she must first overcome a couple of obstacles before she can get her hands on Jade. 

(Side note, in this part, and Leila Gray will be a part of the Baddies, with Red Velvet not injured. Plus, I think I will have Claudio Castagnoli in the BCC)

MJ is a new character I have created. MJ is the sister to MJF, love interest to Wardlow. For a bit of backstory, MJ was a heel with her brother. But her brother started treating her and Wardlow like crap, so they both left MJF, and now on their own. MJ is looking to make amends, starting with her old rival, Talia Jordan. 

Let me know if I should make a mini series, or a story of MJ! 

P.S., Danni will make a special apparence in this as well.


*Talia Jordan's P.O.V.*

If I am being honest, I do not like Jade. I don't like her character, I don't like her attitude, I just don't like her. She acts like she owns the entire AEW, and no one can touch her. And! She is rude to Tony Schiavone. And no one has the right to be mean to a legend like Tony. Plus when she became the TBS champion, she aligned herself with ones like Red Velvet, Kierra Hogan, and Leila Gray. On top of that, she and her goons thought it would be a good idea to get in my husband's business. I am just tired of Jade and her crap. 

I sat in my lockeroom, getting ready for my match against Kiera Hogan, when I heard a knock at my door. I yelled come in, expecting one of the girls. However, I got MJ walking into my room. I stood up, ready to smack her into next year. 

"You have a good enough reason to step in this room."- Talia

Her and I have some history. In 2020, when Jon was the World champion, and I was the Women's champion, we had a feud with MJF and MJ. And I'll admit, MJ was very close to winning the belt, if not for her brother. After some time, the siblings had a falling out, and both MJ and Wardlow left MJF and became their own characters. And I respect that. But I still don't completely trust her.

"I do. If I could have just a couple minutes of your time, and explain why I am here."- MJ

"Alright. You have a couple of minutes."- Talia

"Okay. I saw what happened last week, and on Rampage, and with Athena and Willow out hurt, I thought I could start making amends with some of the women that I have hurt in this business. Starting with you. I want to build trust with different ones. And I thought I could help out with the Baddies."- MJ

I went to say something, but Kris and Ruby walked in. 

"Hey girl, are you ready to- what is she doing here?!"- Ruby

Ruby went to attack MJ, but I jumped up, and held her back. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. MJ was just saying how she wants to make amends, and how she wants to help out with our little problem."- Talia

"And I'm hoping that if you guys would let me help out with Jade and her goons, that would be a good start in trusting me?"- MJ

Kris stepped forward to MJ. 

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