Ch.15: Over the Eight Months

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Yn's POV:

Dear Jake,

Four months in and I'm missing you like crazy. Last night at Haylees there was the cutest family. And the kids were the sweetest. Nothing too interesting has been happening here since you've left. I think Natasha is going to come over here for Christmas. Maybe her boyfriend too. I think she said it was Bradley or something. I'm sad that we can't spend our first Christmas together. Hope you enjoy every thing.

Your darlin'

I sealed off the note and put it aside as I put together his care package. I got some of his favorite snacks and candy. I also gave him a cute picture of Boomer and I in front of the tree. I also put a smaller blanket for him in there that I ordered a while ago. I sent the company a picture of Jake sleeping with his mouth wide open and they put that photo all over the blanket.

I seal up the box and tape it shut. Christmas was in three days, so it wouldn't get there until after Christmas. But I knew he was going to get a kick out of it. I learned after talking with Jake that his friend, Javy, was there with him. So I reached out to him and asked him if he could take a video of Jake opening his present. Javy agreed and said he'd be in look out.

I take the box down to the postal office and ship it out to Jake. Once I get back home I get dressed for bed and lag in Jake and Is bed, watching a movie. Boomer is right by my side, while my stuffed dinosaur, Bandit, and cuddle it. Jakes sent was gone, but it still gave me comfort.

My phone buzzed on my night table. I reach over and see that Jake is face timing me. A smile creeps on my face while I answer and see Jake on my phone. It was morning over there, while the sun was setting over here.

Jake was in a green uniform and his hair was styled. "Hi darlin'."


"How was your day?" It looked like he was walking around his base house he was sharing with Javy.

"It was good. I went to the store and bought a few things."

"Oh yeah?"

"I also found a leash and harness for Boomer."

"Reckon he'll chew that one up this time?"

I chuckle I little, "probably."

"Here I want you to see this." He flips his camera around for me to see the beautiful sunrise that greeted him today.

"Oh my gosh, that's gorgeous."

Javy grabs Jakes phone and turns it to him. "Hi Yn."

"Hi Javy, how are you?"

"Oh you know, I might just kill your boyfriend."

"Heyyyy!" I head Jake sag in the background.

"Why is that?" I giggle out.

"He. Is. A. Neat. Freak. I set something down for one second and he puts it away."

"Yeah, he does that."

"Thanks for telling me now." He tells me sarcastically.

"Okay if you don't mind, I want to talk to my girlfriend." Jake says taking his phone back.

"Actually I do mind." Javy sasses back, no longer in the picture. My screen shows James face now.

"You guys sound like a married couple." I joke.

"We do not!" Jake defends himself.

While he says that I hear Javy in the background, "oh sweetie, oh how I love you." He imitates a girls voice.

I laugh as Jake rolls his eyes. "Well, we have to be at base in a little."

"Okay, I'll let you go."

"I love you darlin'."

"I love you cowboy."

I hang up and set my phone down, turning my attention to my tv. Soon, I drift off to sleep. Half way there. Four months to go and I could not be more excited. Jake and I wrote to each other. Called when we could. Almost every month I sent Jake a care package. It just consisted of snacks, letters, pictures, and sometimes a little present.

Considering that it was going to be the first Christmas together as a couple, I was sad that he was half across the world. I heard feet coming towards my door. Boomer rushes to the door as Natasha opens it.

I immediately rushed over and gave her a hug. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!"

We pull away from each other as I turn my light on. "You're here!" I exclaim.

"I thought I'd surprise you."

"Did you bring your boyfriend?" I teased.

"I did he was right behind me, but considering I tan up here he's probably confused on where I am."

"Wait how did you get in?" I questioned.

"I'm your best friend Yn, I know that every house you buy you bring that stupid fake rock."

"It is not stupid! Specially when I lose everything I own."

She laughed as she looked around my room. "Do you really have a stuffed animal?" She pointed to Bandit.

I walked over and picked him up, walking back over to Tasha. "It's not just that. Jake gave it to me." I said, smelling it trying to smell the very faint scent of him.

"Jake? Jake gave that to you?" She crosses her arms.

"Yes and it's one of them that has a messy inside of it." I act all giddy.

"Really?" She almost screams. "I have to hear this!"

I press the right paw, "hey darlin'! I love you so much! I can't wait to be back in your arms!"

Tasha's face softens as she pouts because it's cute. "That's so cute!"

"I know right! He snuck it into my bag before he left." She must've saw my demeanor dampen.

"Hey, four more months, and then he'll be home."

"Yeah, I'm just going crazy."

"I bet you are."

"Anyway, are you staying with me?"

"If you don't mind? I love my parents but they're so helicopter."

"At least you have parents." I joke as I put an arm around her and went downstairs to find this so called Bradley.

He was at the bottom of the stairs acting like a clueless puppy. He looked up as he saw Natasha and I. I showed them a guest room, down the hall from me. Once they were settled I went back to my room and fell asleep.

Four more months. I could do four more months.


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