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I clutched the straps of my bag as I walked aimlessly. My mind was in an array. I couldn't think straight. I was deeply hurt and confused. I don't know why they said those things about me.

I would never try to say those things to Sunghoon. Why am I suddenly painted as the villain.

"Ow!" Someone said as I bumped into them.

I stood up from the ground and saw Jake groaning. I brought forth my hand and he held it and stood up.

"Are you hurt? Sorry, I didn't look as I walked" Jake said as he held my shoulders checking my body for any injury. When he saw there wasn't any, he used his hands to wiped off the dust on my Uniform

"There you go. Good as new" he said and smiled as he checked me out. I sighed

Jake was so selfless.

His cheek has particles of sand on it because of the fall. I raised my hand slowly, hesitating. His eyes followed my hand. I stopped. I wasn't that much of a skinship type of person.

I sighed. I should help him too.

I gently wiped off the sand from his cheek. I could feel his eyes on me. I looked into his eyes and he immediately looked away with his face suddenly red.
Maybe he was sick(?) I don't know

"There. Good as new" I mimicked him and he chuckled. He walked closer to me and intertwined our hands.

"I and Jay are going home now, want us to drop you off? You can inform your mother" Jake said looking at me hopefully.

I nodded and he smiled broadly "Thanks wonnie" he said happily and kissed my cheek. My eyes widened as I quickly looked at him. His eyes were widened too.

He awkwardly chuckled "Ha ha, never mind that, let's go" he said scratching his hair. I slowly nodded as I wiped my cheek.

We walked past other students as we headed towards his car. Jongseong was leaning on the car as he was on his phone

"Heyoooo" Jake said acting cute in front of Jongseong. Jongseong grimaced and pushed Jake's face away

"Yah! Can't you be thoughtful for once?" Jake complained as he glared at Jongseong. Jongseong scoffed looking at Jake.
"I will, only when you stop looking like shit" Jay said and Jake quickly turned hearing Jay

He dramatically gasped "Wow, never knew a fool could call someone stupid" Jake said with a look of victory. Jay rolled his eyes and it landed on me.

I quickly stopped smiling when he looked at me.

"He's joining us?" Jongseong asked Jake. Jake nodded "Is there a problem?" He asked

Jongseong shook his head as he opened the door and got in. Jake skipped to the passenger's seat, I walked towards the door to the back seat.

Jake opened the door to the passenger's seat but after some seconds he closed it back and called me

"You know what? Why don't you stay in front. I want to relax fully" Jake said chuckling in a weird way as his eyes met Jongseong's.

"Uhmm ok?" I muttered and walked to the front seat.

I got in, hugging my bag to my chest. Jongseong started the car and drove out. I looked at Jake, he had his AirPods plugged in as he was jamming to music

"He doesn't like my taste" Jongseong suddenly said

"Huh?" I looked at him and he looked back to the road.

"Jake I mean. He doesn't like my taste in music so he always wears those" Jongseong said and I nodded

"But why?"

"He says I have the same music taste as a man born in the 80's" Jongseong said and had what looked like a pout(?) on his face, I'm not sure but whatever that was, made him look like a puppy




"Are you okay? You seem lost" Jongseong snapped me out of my thoughts. I chuckled waving my hands as I said no

"Can you play some of the songs?" I said and he looked somewhat surprised. He had a small smile as he worked the car and music started playing

I looked away from him and looked at the road trying to feel the music. I closed my eyes to concentrate more.

It was shockingly good.


Who in earth would have thought


The typical bad boy,

Would be a sucker for Ballads

I opened my eyes and looked at Jongseong who was humming the song with a smile on his face. He looked like he really enjoyed the song. I didn't even know when I started smiling when I looked at him

He looked so happy, so peaceful. I oddly felt at peace looking at him. My heart that had been suffocated suddenly felt light. I felt my body tingle as I looked at him.

He noticed me looking at him and immediately stopped smiling and his face was replaced with an embarrassed look.

"Uh sorry, I guess you don't like it too" he said and awkwardly chuckled as he reached to turn off the music. I quickly held his hand, stopping him from doing so.

"No no, I never said I didn't" I muttered staring into his eyes. His face softened

"I really like it. It's my taste too" I said and smiled softly. He let out a small smile and nodded

"No one has ever said that to me before... I mean. My mom told me she likes my kind of music but I'm sure she just lied to make me feel good" he chuckled and I smiled to him

"But. No one has ever said it in a way that makes me believe they really like it." He said and turned to me

"Thank you" he said and smiled. My heart suddenly stopped. I couldn't breathe.


I gulped staring at his face. I took in a deep breath as my heart started beating faster.

I felt the car stop moving. I looked around and saw my house

Jake removed his AirPods and looked around.

"Oh we're here" He said and stretched.

I looked at Jongseong "I'll go now" I muttered

"Yeah" he whispered and licked his lips. I got out of the car and waved at Jake. He waved back smiling broadly. I looked at Jongseong. He hesitantly raised his hand and waved quickly.

I waved back quickly and smiled then I walked in

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