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Jongseong stood at the entrance of my ward, looking at me with his puffed eyes. He slowly walked closer to my bed. He stood looking at me. My heavy eyes couldn't let me look at him. As if it knew I didn't want to.

I heard sobs coming from him. I heard the stool beside my bed moving, Jongseong sat and hesitantly reached out for my hands.
But he stopped. I heard him chuckle as he sniffed

"I know you wouldn't like me holding your hand"

I moved my eyes to the other side of the room. All I could hear was the monitor beeping and his low sniffles. Each second that passed in that room with him made me appreciate the seconds I was, closer to death

"I promised to stay strong Wonnie. I really told myself that. But..But I can't. I can't picture a day without you. I don't want to believe it. Please... Please don't go yet"

No. I don't want to stay with you. I don't want to suffer anymore because of him. I'm tired. I can't keep this up anymore.

He sniffed and held my hand.

"Please..let me feel your hand. Just once. Even if it's the last time. Let me cram the sensation Wonnie..–gosh I can't believe this is happening" he bursted out crying again.

I wanted to detach my hand so bad but my body failed me. I want to leave. I don't want to stay anymore. I feel so wrong. I feel very much wronged. I really want to go.

I felt hot tears stream out of my eyes. My heart clenching in pain. I felt so suffocated. I really couldn't breathe. My eyes got clouded with tears. Please take this pain away

Jongseong immediately wiped my tears

"No no, don't cry. I'm sorry I cried, I won't cry, so don't cry either. It's okay wonnie...If..If we can't be together now, we'll meet somehow one day. I promise"

No, please no I don't want to see you ever again. I don't want to breathe the same air as you. I don't want to remember you.
I wish..I just wish I had a chance. Then I would run as far away from you.

"I love you. I love you so much Jungwon" he said clutching my hand as he laid kisses.

Please don't. I beg you

I felt a great wave of pain hit me. I felt like my heart was being stepped on. I couldn't feel my body. The pain suddenly stopped and I just felt empty. Like a part of me left.

My eyes slowly closed as I felt tears leave my eyes. I could hear the monitor go off and Jongseong shouting for the doctor

My heart clenched, I didn't want to die but I didn't want to live with Jongseong around.
At last, I was leaving.

"Yah Jungwon-ah"

"Jungwon-ah" I felt taps on my shoulder. What's happening? I really don't know.

I slowly opened my eyes but I couldn't see because I felt my eyes clouded with tears. But oh I could recognize that voice. Anywhere.

"Why are you crying? Did Sunoo steal your plush?" The teasing voice asked.

I wiped my tears. I couldn't believe who I was seeing. Am I really dead?!

"S-Sunghoon" I muttered standing up. He looked at me confused. "Sunghoon" I muttered again, this time the tears coming back. I pounced on him, hugging him really tight.

I didn't want to let go. I can finally be at peace in death now I'm with Sunghoon.
"Gosh I've missed you so much. I've awaited my death just to be with you...it's finally happened" I sobbed. I hugged him tighter, rubbing my cheek on his shoulder

"Uhmm are you sure you're not high?" I heard him say. I leaned out, my arms still round his neck.


"Yah have you really gone crazy? Sleep some more if you need rest" he said smiling as he pinched my cheek. What's he saying
I'm now in a forever sleep

"What are you saying? We're dead Sunghoon, we're forever sleeping" I said confused. His brows furrowed.

"Uhhh Heeseung? Our boy's got some brain problem going on here" He nervously called for Heeseung. That was when I looked around



It looks a lot like my highschool class.

I looked down at my body and saw I was wearing a uniform, so was Sunghoon and Heeseung too who was approaching us

What's going on?

"Fuck" I muttered as a wave of headache hit me, I rubbed my temples and looked back to them.

"Heeseung. The last time I remember you with this hairstyle was in our Tenth grade...what's going on? How did I even get here?" I said as I stepped back rubbing my temples

Heeseung looked at Sunghoon and looked back at me in confusion.

"Are you on drugs? Because minutes ago you were jumping round the class sharing Gim-

"Gimbap" My eyes widened as I completed his sentence. I remember in highschool, I shared Gimbap my mother told me to give my classmates.

"Wait wait wait. What's today's date?"

Sunghoon looked at me weirdly
"March Ninth? You even wrote the date on the board yourself"


"2007, what's wrong with you? Did you hit your head or what?" Heeseung asked and held my head looking for bumps

I detached his hands from me. Am I seeing things? Everything's weird and this stupid headache won't leave me alone

I ran to the window and saw my reflection.

"What the-

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