"I think he'd like you" Harry said looking at Phina

"Huh?" Phina turned from the wardrobe in which she was hanging the final few dresses.

"My father, I think he'd like you" Harry repeated causing Phina to smile

"You think so?" She jumped in the middle of Uma and Harry who both excepted her close presence happily, cozying  herself up into their sides she felt warm and content, she could almost feel the memory of the moment forming a special place in her thoughts.

"I do" Harry said and Phina layed her head on his shoulder.

Her eyelids grew heavy and her conscious slipped away but she could have swore on her very life that she had felt a kiss placed in the crown of her head and an arm come to rest tangled around her waist.

The next thing she knew, she was awoken by the bright light of the crisp morning sun shining down on her eyelids in a way that was equally irritating and invigorating.

She rubbed her eyes and looked over to Umas bed to see the girl sleeping soundly with a serene look on her face that was so unlike Umas usual expressions, Phina couldn't help but stare a few fleeting moments longer. Then she turned her attention to her own bed to quickly realise that she was laying on a very much sleeping but very much in her bed Harry Hook

She made an effort to move off of him in fear that she was too heavy or she was invading his personal space but her movements were halted when Harry's arm tightened around her waist that made her need to hold back the squeak that threatened to escape her.

"Go back to sleep love" he grumbled but she was awake now and when she was awake she found it terribly hard to go back to sleep.

"I can't Harry" She huffed and stuffed her face in the hoodie that covered his chest. She was surprised that he had showed up the night before wearing a hoodie. It was unlike the usual leather red leather jackets and vests but she enjoyed the more comfortable look on him. Besides, hugging someone that's wearing a hoodie is far more comfortable than someone wearing chains and stiff leather. And it smelled of his usual cologne, aromatic notes that left a lingering masculine allure and she loved it.

He wasn't wearing his usual eyeliner either and his hair was a curly mess. He looked like the teenager he was, no longer forced to grow up too fast in a dog eats dog world.

"Philomena" He whined "Just a few more minutes"

"Fine" The girl rolled her eyes but relaxed into the boys arms as her eyelids fluttered closed.

Around ten minutes later Uma had happened to have woken up and saw her two friends sleeping in each others embrace. Of course she had grabbed her new phone to take a few photos and that's when the twos eyes opened slowly. The both of them looked at Uma with tired eyes but Uma only smiled awkwardly at being caught red handed and skipped off to the bathroom.

"Strange girl" Harry remarked and Phina nodded her head in agreement whilst untangling herself from the heavy arms around her.

She stood up and opened the the curtains that covered the dorms large windows. The sudden bright sunlight caused her to squint until her eyes adjusted.

"classes start in three days" She clapped her hands in excitement "Have you gotten your timetable yet?" she asked the boy who watched her from her bed.

"I have. It's in my room I'll show you it later"

"Oh Harry it going to be so fun! I hope we have a few classes together" Phina said

Harry hummed "believe me love, me too"

Uma re-entered the room wearing fresh clothes which reminded both Harry and Philomena that they too should change into clean clothes themselves.

Harry heaved himself out of Philomena's warm and comfortable bed with a sigh.

"I'll meet you outside in an hour or so yeah?" Harry asked and Philomena nodded.

Then Harry left the room leaving only Uma and Phina. Uma stared at Phina who looked back at her with questioning eyes but then a teasing grin spread across Umas face answering all of her question.

"For people who've only known each other for like a week or two you both looked very comfortable over there" Uma gestured to Phinas bed.

"yeah? it's just a sleepover people have them all the time" Phina said

"Yeah but having a sleepover with a boy? C'mon girl you know that's different"

"Why is it?"

"Are you- wait you seriously don't...oh erm it's nothing don't worry about it" Uma wasn't sure what to say to the girls lack of...knowledge.

"Huh okay" Phina shrugged oblivious to Uma who was still looking at her in mild disbelief.

Having chosen a light green summer dress that flowed just above her knees Phina walked into the bathroom, had a quick shower and got changed into her pretty dress. She wondered what Harry thought about the dresses she so often wore. Did he like them or did he think they were to girlish? Did he prefer the more edgy style they wore in the isle?

It seemed Philomena always had so many questions yet so little answers

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