Tell Me What's Wrong.

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Hobi ran around the dance studio cheering and clapping after his members executed the choreography to their new dance perfectly. He was always full of so much cheer and excitement for his members even when they got the simplest steps right, so he was ecstatic when they'd land the hard stuff.

"Yahhhh! We did it! You guys did it! It's perfect!" He cheered as he ran up to Jin and hugged him, and then the others.

"It's all thanks to you, hyung!" Taehyung said with a big smile. The others also thanked Hobi for being such a great dance leader. He was strict when he needed to be but also gave so much positive reassurance and high energy that always had the others feeling confident.

Until Hiko showed up.

Hiko was a new dance instructor that the company hired and he was in charge of teaching the band new dances to some of their new releases. He had more authority than Hobi did when it came to dance instruction.

Hobi had a hard time with the idea of someone unknown stepping in and having more power than him when it came to their dancing, but he tried to give the new guy the benefit of the doubt and think positively, telling himself that having two in charge may turn out better than only having one.

Hobi quickly learned that it was not better.

Hiko was tough and strict, and mostly on Hobi. He was a bit stern with the members and always barking orders at them when they got a move wrong. On his first day working with the group, after the others had left, Hiko asked Hobi to talk alone for a moment.

"Sure, what's going on?" Hobi asked.

"You need to do better with them, they're terrible," Hiko spat.

Hobi froze for a second. He didn't understand how someone could call his group terrible, he thought they were absolutely amazing. He instantly got defensive. "I do great with them, and they're the best. So what if they aren't perfect on day one? They're all at different skill levels but we always get there."

Without warning Hiko smacked Hobi across the face and the rapper stumbled backwards. He stared at Hiko with fear in his eyes.

"Are you saying I'm lying?" Hiko said angrily.

"What? No..No..I.." Hobi was speechless. Hiko walked over to him and got in his face. He was so close Hobi could feel the mans hot breath on him. "Make them better, and if you don't, then I will."

Hobi stared at him wide eyed. He didn't know what Hiko meant by that. Hiko gave him a hard pat on the shoulder that made him flinch in pain before leaving. He stood there dazed and confused for a moment wondering what the hell just happened before gathering his stuff up and heading home. He didn't bring up what happened. The entire ordeal had made him anxious and he didn't want to talk about it. He figured Hiko must've just been in a bad mood or something, but he really hoped he didn't get hit again.

His wish was not granted, as Hiko ended up hitting him a lot. The members would practice new moves under Hiko's control and if they ever messed up, they didn't know it but Hiko would beat on Hobi after they were all gone. Hiko was constantly screaming at Hobi to be harder on them, to be meaner to them, to threaten them, whatever it took to make them dance better.

Hobi didn't have it in him to do that so he took the punishments instead.

One day at practice Jungkook was having a hard time with the moves and Hobi looked over at Hiko. Hiko gave him warning glares and Hobi felt the anxiety course through his body. He knew what Hiko wanted. Hiko wanted him to go over and smack Jungkook for not learning more quickly. He gulped and walked up to his maknae and could see the frustration in the youngests face.

Tell Me What's Wrong. [J Hope Hurtfic]Where stories live. Discover now