A Game

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You have no Idea what to do now. Maybe meet up with friends or something. Not Okuyasu, he's hanging out with his dad, not too close with Yukako yet, Koichi is out doing errands with his mom, and Jotaro is working today.

"Aw man, I have no friends."

Maybe I'll just hang out at the train station and act like I'm a clueless foreigner. Walking to the train station you pass through the streets of Morioh and to the train station you relax and people watch. Everything is fine. [It was in fact, not fine.] You undeniably feel sleepy, for no reason.

Maybe I should leave? Nah it's Japan I should be fine for 5 minutes.

Setting your alarm to wake you up in 5 minutes you doze off as if you had not slept all night.
Waking up you felt dehydrated, dizzy, and your brain is foggy.

"What the hell...?" The sky which is an odd yellow color, and the environment usually bright, was now covered in a weird dark purplish blue effect. Nobody was around, which was weird for the time of day. Getting up you almost fall right back over as if you had iron deficiency, but manage to stand.

"Okay, something is definitely off." Walking around there is no sign of life at all, but after leaving the station a huge stand emerges.

It's basically just a head, a huge smile, looks like a human in a mask but you know damn well he's not human. His voice is deep, and booms throughout the sky.

"Welcome Player!"

"Uh, hi?"

"Here are the rules of the game!"

"Wait what I didn't- "

"You must find the exit before time runs out! There's no cheating! And don't get caught!"

"Wait what happens if time runs out? Or if I do cheat?"

"You'll be added to the game! Permanently! Starting the game in 3...2..."

"What's going to catch me?!"

"1... Go!"

You wasted no time, deciding to try and find whatever exit this 'being' wanted you to find.

"Dammit, the stand user had to be nearby how come I didn't notice them? And what fucking exit?! Stupid, how much time do I even have? Is it the timer I left on? I don't want to find out the hard way."

You keep running checking each nook and cranny, checking the Morioh maps there are so many places you could look. You start with the town book store, maybe there something there. Entering the store is nothing new, everything is the same purple and blue hue, but look at the books they're off.

"These books are all empty, and the same color." Flipping through them provides nothing useful. You walk around the corners hoping the find anything, nothing. But something does catch your eye.

"Hello...?" At the store counter is a person. Yet again the same colors as the world around them, they have no distinct expression and just stare at you.

This must be what they mean by added to the game. You shudder and turn away but stop when something sticks out. A Bright red pen, sitting right there on the counter next to a book.

"Maybe that's what I need..." Walking over you reach the counter and look at the 'employee'.

"Um, hi. Can I have that... right there..." You meekly point at the pen but the employee does not even blink.

"Okay... I'll just-" you reach to grab it, and just then the employee immediately with great speed tries to grab you. But your stand is faster, touching him before he can fully touch you.

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