A little stroll

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It's been about a month since Mr. Joestar arrived, and we finally have the bow and arrow. I stopped having so many strange dreams so I guess that's over. I wonder if we'll ever figure out who or what brought me here to this world, and if I'll ever go back. But so far, I like it here. Okuyasu is a bit dumb, but super fun, Koichi is smart, and I can talk to him when I need to. Yukako is still a bit scary, but I got closer to her recently, it's nice to talk to her about stuff you can't really talk to with guys, Mr. Joestar is a bit strange, but I like his stories, like something about 3 Aztec Gods, an Italian, German science, and Egypt. I would think he's just old but considering this new world I believe it, and the fact Jotaro confirmed it. Speaking of Jotaro, he's really opened up, apparently he has a daughter and a wife, but can't be with them due to the danger of stands; that must suck. He's really filled the older male role in my life now that I'm not with my family, for instance...


"I'm going to bed y/n, you should too. Goodnight."

"Okay, 'night dad- "You froze, your eyes widening is shock, Jotaro stops for a second too.

"Did you just call me dad?"


"Do you see me as a father figure y/n?" He has the gall to smirk at you.

"I said good night!" You said while leaving the room embarrassed.


Yeah... I'm still embarrassed by that, Okuyasu and Josuke laughed at me when I told them. Lastly Josuke... How do I describe him? Well he's cool, clever, which I see in his father, he may not seem like it at first but he's self-less, and kind... and a total chick magnet. I guess it runs in their family or something. Whatever, signing off for today.

You close your notes app, recently you started writing notes on the people and experiences in this world. You thought maybe it'll piece together some thoughts on how you got here, and it helps with coping. You pet f/n while lying on your bed.

"How long have I been here?" You assume it's been around 1 or 2 months.

"I wonder how everyone's doing over there. Aw man Ima have to re-do a year, wont I?"

You sigh, no helping it now. You get up and shower, deciding to dress light blue shorts that have white stripes and a pink and yellow belt. Your shirt is also yellow with slightly puffed sleeves, you wear and pink and yellow bandana headband, your shoes are strapless heels with a bow in the front, its colors are a combination of blues, yellow, and pinks and you wear silver heart earrings with an arrow through them.

Walking around town you don't see many familiar faces today; other than a group of some school friends you say hi to there's nothing new. Walking around for long enough you Josuke.

"Oh, hey Josuke! Where's Mr. Joestar?" But strangely he turns away.

"H-heyy y/n? What are you doing here?"

"Oh dude what is it now?"

"What do you mean?" But he says it with a strange nervous smile.

"You're acting weird again, and why are you turned around? Are you cradling something?"

"N-no? Anyways can you leave, I have business."

"Excuse me?" His face says that he fucked up, you start doing the dosey doe and end up moving around to see what he's holding, and its just some weird blanket.

"Is this seriously what you're hiding?" You poke it and then something coos. You stop.

"Josuke, is this a baby?" He gulps, and nods his head. You just sigh.

"So this is why you're worked up?" Your eyes soften, and you lightly smile.

"Oh dear, I just hope she's not yours" You say with a smirk.

"Wh-what?! Of course not!"

"Shhhh, she'll get upset."

You gently pat the baby, and slowly smooth over her invisible hair. She coos but seems happy by the affection. While your attention is on the baby, Josukes is on you. He loves seeing how gentle you're being, despite your rambunctious personality. How the baby calmed at your touch, and how your eyes are lidded and you mouth forms a small smile. It makes him feel a bit warm in the chest, and his stomach starts feeling a bit weird. A small blush develops on his face.

"Ahem, you should go, people are starting to stare..."

Truth is you didn't care, they could stare all they wanted, but if he felt uncomfortable then you shouldn't push.

"Okay, well cya Josuke! Tell me about the baby and Mr. Joestar later!" You start to move away, enjoying the scenery.

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