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Knock Knock

"Hey. Wake up." You get up to the sound of Jotaros voice and go over to open the door for him.

"Oh hey, did I sleep late?"

"Not at all, quite early actually, its 7:00 am right now. If you want breakfast get dressed. Here's some cash too." Jotaro hands you 200 dollars (29837.30 yen) which is 356 dollars (53110.39 yen) to 2022.

"Wow thank you Mr. Kujo."
You receive a slight grunt and a no problem. Getting dressed in your now dry clothes you decide to go out and see Josuke, then to go shopping for some clothes. Basic stuff at least, like underwear or pajamas. After eating you head out with your map and take a cab close to Josukes house. He should still be home after all. Jotaro circle all of the locations like the hotel on the map. So, it was easy telling the driver. You don't know what to expect making you nervous, but knock on the door non-the less.

"Hello? It's a bit early for someone to be here." A woman answered the door, she looked young.

"Hello are you Josukes sister?" She paused but laughed

"Sister? Goodness no! but thanks for the compliment, I'm his mother."

"Oh, hello Mrs. Higashikata sorry to bother, is he awake?"

"Oh yes he should be, call me Tomoko I'm glad he finally found a nice young lady" You realize her comment was about you being a good match for Josuke, flattered but she has the wrong idea.

"Oh no I'm just a friend!" You say with a more surprised tone than expected.

"Right, well let me get him for you, come in!"

"Oh, thank you."
You hear an older man call for Tomoko asking about the commotion, then he lays eyes on you.

"Oh! Well, why didn't Josuke tell me he had a girlfriend! I'm Mr. Higashikata, his grandfather." He comes over and gives you a hearty hand shake.

"Oh, nice to meet you sir, but I'm not his girlfriend." Josuke then walks in.

"But mom I almost beat that level!" He pauses once seeing you.

"Y/N! What are you doing here?!"

"Josuke! That's not a nice thing to say your 'friend'" His grandfather says with sarcasm.

"Grandpa! She's just a friend!" He says with a slight blush.

"ha-ha right. We'll be in the kitchen, pleasure meeting you y/n."
Tomoko and Mr. Higashikata walk off to continue getting prepared for their day. Josuke invites you to the living room and sits down with you.

"Sorry for them, they can be a bit much." He grabs the back of his neck while saying that."

You reassure him it's fine as you actually enjoyed meeting them. You also explained how you got there, your situation, and the cash.

"What?! 29837.30 yen?! Aw man, no fair. Say... you wanna give your new pal some?" he looked at you with a sly smile and relaxed eyes he leaned in but you used your hand to smush his face away.

"Ha! In your dreams Josuke!" He pouted but you gotta say it was cute. Then you noticed the tv on the floor with the game.

"Hey, you like video games?"

"Yeah, who doesn't. So not saying this is real but... what are games like from the future?"

You replied with a smile.

"I guess I'll have to play with you to compare."

Plopping down right next to him with a smile. He smiles back and you continue to play games till he needs to go to school. After that you say your goodbyes as you go to shop. But you can't help feel something watching you while out. IT scared you. From his house, to the shopping center, something or someone, was watching.
3 hours later

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