New announcement!!!!

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Chapter 6 Is dropping in a few hours, Then after that, I'm going to take a break...

That is all I can say in this announcement so y'know

Here are the lyrics for In a Moment's Time:

Why so down tonight?

Just another day that didn't go your way

Well don't you make a sight

Just take my hand, don't toss and turn

Let's just lie awake

In just a moment's time, you'll wonder why

You ever thought you'd ever long for more than you've got

'Cause, baby, you've got you and me

I'm gonna hold you tight, through the night

The bed bugs better hope that I don't bite

While you're counting sheep in your head

It's time to hit the sack--kapow! attack!

Smack those troubles down, KO, they're down

One, two, three A.M.

Or is it midnight still? The window sill's

A billion miles away

But your lucky star, he's here for sure

Down here 'neath the sheets

The world is yours to conquer, won't be long, dear

I'm the king and you're the pawn, we're a perfect pair

Girl, you made the right mistake

Choose me instead of constant heartbreak

Now let's raise the stakes

Go on, you earned it

Ask for any wish, I'm on it

Grant it word for word, I promise

Baby, that's the charm!

You got it made, yeah

Don't you be a flake

In just a moment's time, you'll wonder why

You ever thought you'd ever long for more than you've got

'Cause, baby you've got you and me

[Piano Break]

Buckle up tonight

You wanna get away, forget it, baby

Got you in my sights!

Ain't in the cards! They don't ever learn!

Hell, for heaven's sake!

In just a moment's time, you'll wonder why

You ever thought you'd ever long for more than you've got

'Cause, baby, you've got you and me

(Old)Kirby and theSkullheart(KirbyXSkullgirlCrossover)(reboot/moveTo otherstory)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant