Chapter 10 "Underfell?"

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"ERRORRR!" A skeleton holding a brush charges from behind the 2 cuddling skeletons. Errors immediately panicks from the sudden appearance of Ink. What was he supposed to do in this situation?
He pushes Dream off him and Dream falls off the cliff, clearly Error had planned this or it was the only solution he could think of at the moment. But to secure Dreams safety, he puts a portal beneath him and a blue string from the other side pulls him in faster to secure his safety. Closing the portal after the small skeleton was fully through the portal.

- With Dream

The small skeleton hits a cold soft surface, it was freezing and his bones began to raddle more. 'Where am I?' The yellow skeleton sat up from the soft ice, he was in the woods. His heart began to sink as the feeling of loneliness and fear sank in. The woods were dark and Dream was too scared to move, surrounding him was still sounds. The sounds of leaves gliding together time to time, unusual birds chirping and flying away. It was a chilling feeling that felt worse than the cold snow beneath him, fear. And to that feeling he cried, loudly, hoping someone would hear.


"ALRIGHT, WHO THE F*CK IS MAKING ALL THIS NOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSEEEE-" he trailed of his sentence at the sight of the crying yellow skeleton. The small skeleton silences its cries, slowling turning his head to see the skeleton looking back at him, "Is this some kind of joke?" as Fell spat his words out in disgust. "BECAUSE ITS NOT FUNNY!!" He grabbed the yellow skeleton from his scarf and started waving him recklessly.
"OHHHH INKKK!" he said screaming into the woods, his voice echoed back to him after a short second. "COME GET YOUR STUPID PLAY TOY, WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?!" He kept waving the skeleton around from his scarf until eventually the scarf slipped off. No one had responded, and Fell was confused to say the least.

Fell wears a black jacket, with white fluff on the brim edges of his hood. Underneath he wears a red sweater and black boxing shorts with a singular yellow strip coming down from each side of his shorts. And his shoes were a bright red, similar to his sweater.

He scoffs, seeing a small gass come out of his mouth from the cold. He throws the yellow scarf back at the skeleton, "Fuck this.." he mumbles, he walks away back into the woods. Dream felt unsafe being alone so he followed the red skeleton from behind, eventually he stopped into a town and Dream felt more fear interfere with him emotions to move. All the monsters looked so... scary. But he didnt let that stop him from following the skeleton, he tugged on his black jacket causing the short skeleton to flinch. 'Is he scared too?'

Fell locks eye contact with the yellow skeleton tugging on his jacket from behind, "THE FUCK YOU DOING HERE?!" He backs away from the yellow skeleton. Only to realize he had brought quiet a lot of attention from the other monsters around him, causing them to surround the 2 skeletons. They seemed displeased to say the least, the yellow skeleton began to feel anger swarm around him. But fear is smelt strongly from the red skeleton, he was sweating already and he didn't move for a split second.

Fell had to do something, he couldn't let himself freeze up. No one would save him and he knew that. "Alright, alright. We get it, we'll be leaving now," he shrugs and slowly but casually lays his hand on the yellow skeletons head, and before the monsters could attack or cuss at him he teleported with the skeleton.

---- Back with Error
"WHERE IS DREAM." Inks eyes were simple white dots and his mouth was doing an unnatural smile.
"I don't know squid." I say almost telling myself to keep calm in my head, i pause for a split second analysing exactly what I'm about to say before doing so. "Who said I would  have such a useless glitch? Let alone a child?" I shrug my shoulders slightly and I move my fingers to manipulate my strings pushing the figure back. Once I had actually hid the kid in a hidden destination, I grabbed onto Ink with my strings before he leaped at me.
"Go ask, I dont know. NIGHTMARE?" I twitch my eye lid before relaxing again, did that stupid black goop of nothing set me up?
Wait a second.
A indescribable fluster tickled my funny bone as I raised my face down laying my hand in-front of my face. "YOU GOT SO DESPERATE YOU ASKED FOR INKS HELP? KINDA PATHETIC NIGHTMARE, isn't it?" I raised my head back up darting my eyes at the figure behind Ink, he was standing a few yards away but was clearly visible to see.
"What can I say, I like people doing my dirty work." The deep voice whispered in my ear, but how? He was so far away, I'm literally looking at him.
"Uhm, Error you good buddy?" The skeleton no longer had a sinister grin and dull eyes. Of course stupid Ink didn't know Nightmare was just using him,
"Listen here 'buddy'" I grab the skeletons face with one hand practically cupping his face, even though we're monsters are bones weirdly aren't hard like rock. He looks at me with question marks in his eyes, "Cant you tell he's using you? He told you that I had him clearly knowing you'll come for me. And if I did have him, he would immediately take him away from you." I glare at the stupid skeleton's face, as he almost dazed off. "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME INK?!" A screech in anger, clearly this colourful Ink squid couldn't careless. Doesn't he know that he'll just waste time? Or is he just doing it for fun, like he usually does. He just plays around without actually fixing the situation, and if he does get bored he actually decides to do his damn job correctly. Inks mouth wasn't a grin but it grew wider with his mouth shut, it almost looked like a line on instead of it actually looking like his mouth. He was clearly bored of the situation already considering I was just giving him a lecture. I dropped the skeleton back down and instead of trying to land on his feet, he face plants into the ground with his legs and arms sticking out (almost like starfish..). 

"So where actually did you take Dream Error?" the dark voice ringed in my ears again, like he was talking into my ear again, (like I had any). It was lIke when you put on headphones, it would minimize the sound around you and let you focus on one sound.) 

"Well.." I stayed silent for a few minutes, where did I take him? 

"YOU IDIOT." the black goop screamed, he clearly could read my facial expression. Ink read my facial expression as well, but wasn't really able to chirp into the conversation, considering I was the only one that could hear him from this distance. Without much panic, I throw myself into a different au to get away from these two skeletons. 

But Nightmare is right, I am an idiot. WHERE THE FUCK DID I TAKE HIM?! 

------------------ FELLS POV 

"Alright bucko, stay here-" I say no longer laying my hand oh the skeleton's shoulder. I spike up as I hear a familiar voice come from the kitchen. 

"SANS WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN," the sounds of high heels became louder and it was clear that the figure was coming our way. He stood outside the kitchen room in shocked to see the guest. Me and Dream were in front of the couch.

"Sans, why do you have a child?" the skeleton whispered to me loudly from the kitchen, he didn't seem angry but more curious. 

"I don't know Paps, just found him in the woods ballin' his eyes out." I say almost shrugging, I knew Paps knew there were no other skeletons in the underground. That's why most monsters are scared of Paps, they know he's apart of the royal guard but even worse they don't know what skeleton's magical capabilities are. 

---- end of chapter 10 


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