Chapter 8 "The attack."

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"WHAT!" I shriek, I could feel my heart skip a beat. Error took Dream?
Horror looked at his hands, looking at every joint and crevasse between his fingers. I could see the guilt swell up inside him, his face gave in showing a overly upset Horror in tears. Before I could approach the crying skeleton a black tentacle gentlely pats his back as he cried. I look over to the source and Nightmare gave a non fazed expression, we could all tell he was hiding his guilt. But non of us would dare to speak up about it.
——- a month later
"Nope, no sign of Dream... or Error." I could hear the puzzled skeleton say, it was Cross. We've been wondering from Void to void, au to au.
There was no sign of Dream. And unfortunately we all missed him, every bad sans that lived in Nightmares castle felt like family. No matter how mentally ill or crazy they were, we always managed to warm up to them. We always found that we could understand each others stories or past traumas and it was a way we could all bond.
Dream was no different to the bad sanses, of course he had no trauma that we could source yet, and the fact he was a child makes it seem alittle more concerning losing him. Its like when you loose you're child in a crowded city, youre sudden realisation and you're throbbing heart makes you grow worried and loose hope quickly. I feel like a dad, a brother or maybe even just a cousin to him. We had are differences but we all still loved Dream.
"LOOK OUT KILLER-" I turn around swiftly from hearing the sudden voice, a blue bone was thrown my direct and my sudden shock is what stopped me from taking damage.
It was Blue and Ink, they were both getting ready to attack, demanding Dream back.
"NOT A CHANCE." Nightmare screeched in a delightful voice, his face changing drastically, moulding into a sinister wide grin. He loved the feeling of anger of his opponents, greedily feasting on there negativity as he fought.

I launch forward In front of Nightmare, with knife in hand. My mouth widened and my patience grew silent. I run towards the Blue skeleton, hopping on blaster to blaster. Finally throwing myself onto the blue scarfed figure, he quickly doughs by hand standing and pushing down on the ground with his hands to lean backwards to land himself on his feet. His face grew serious and my smile grew wider, "This'll be fun~" I say smirking through out my words, the skeleton runs towards me with a bone in hand, colliding his bone against my knife. I quickly use a gaster blaster to shoot at him whilst he's distracted clashing knife and bones. He reacts quickly and teleports behind me, almost imp-ailing me. I quickly turn, I use my bone to seep through the ground and push his bone away from him. His bone gets flung and digs into the ground behind him and I push forward with my knife, pushing him against his before equipped bone that's now stuck inside the ground. Sudden I could feel a cold liquid plash onto me, it was pink?
It turned into chains and tightened my body, my arms were chained to my chest and my legs were stuck together. I could see the Blue skeleton use his boot to unbalanced me and I hit the ground head first. Fuck that hurt.
I could see a white figure fling himself onto Blue, he was holding a giant knife above his head. The skeleton quickly teleports away from the figure, and Cross digs his knife into Blue's bone (that's stuck in the ground.)  splitting it in half.
Everyone pauses, as we hear a piercing laugh emerge    from the black skeleton in the distance. He was watching as per usual, watching every attack and figuring moving in his sight. It gave him delight.

I could feel his tentacles gentle grab onto me, and I could see him doing the same with Cross. He pulls us back to him retrieving both me and Cross back. I could sense Nightmares worried expression emerge but he keeps his creepy face on.
"It was nice playing with your toy but me and my toys need to get a move on," he places a portal behind him and places me and Cross on the ground. Unfortunately I fall immediately back down onto the ground, still having the chains tightly around body, luckily nightmare catches me with his tentacle. Letting me lean against his tentacle, Cross then carries me but placing me on his shoulder.
This is embarrassing, the 2nd youngest skeleton is carrying me because I'm stuck in a tangled in pink chains.
"Oh and by the way Ink," Nightmare continued. Ink raises his head to look at Nightmare with question marks in his eyes. He was kneeling down on one knee helping Blue heal whilst he was paying attention to Nightmare.
"We don't have 'your' Dream." He says shrugging a bit, Ink lifts himself up.
"Then where is he??" He said alarmed, his eyes turned to explanation marks tinted in a red colour.
"I don't know," he says pausing again, "maybe you should ask your boyfriend." He puts his hand against his mouth almost as if he said something a bit 'cheeky'. Even from a distance you could still see the colourful skeleton fluster to a rainbow blush, before he could deny Nightmares words we are teleported back to Nightmares castle.
——— a bit short sorry, end of chapter 8.

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