Chapter 4 "Powers Discovered"

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Thank you for the support btw, I didn't realise how many votes I would get SO FAST. <333

Nightmare Pov:
I could hear the glitching skeleton breath heavily, his legs began to struggle to stand still.
"AlL ReAdY TiReD NIgHtMArE? GoTa GiVe IT To YoU." He said shrugging "YoUrE PrEtTy GoOd FoR YoUr AgE"
"I'm not much older than you idiot." I say abit out of breath myself.
"Stay away from my toys, Error." I say with a sinful face taking him aback a bit.
"If I SeE ThEm IlL KilL ThEm THaTs ThAt." Without a second thought he disappears through a portal, I turn around looking at the injured Cross. He was breathing uncontrollably and he was shaking immediacly.
"Let's go home, that way you can rest and regain you're heath." I say without much concern, I do care but not to the extent of showing it.
I teleport me and Cross back to the castle and inside Crosses room, I sit him down on his bed. I'll get Horror to bring in dinner at 8, till then sleep."
I lay one of my tentacles on his head to ease his breathing before I close the door leaving.
I could barley think straight, it felt like my health was draining slowly. Continusly I roll around my bed, trying to find a comfortable spot with out being in immense pain but nothing would help. My breathing became difficult again once Nightmare left, I laid there almost sobbing to myself. That stupid Error freak really did a number on me. Now I'm going to have to stay in the bed for what I would think is a few days, if nightmare would let me of course..
He almost killed me. If I took one last hit I would've died, Nightmare saved me again.
And again.
and again..
"Why am I like this.." I mumble into my pillow as tears were daring to fall. The silence became louder and the voices ringed in my ears as if I had bursted my ear drums. Even with the immense pain and the loud ringing in my ears, I was still able to listen to the voices screaming at me. They weren't very nice.
It felt like hours, I could feel my hands digging into my skull and my face sinking into my pillow. I could almost hear nothing around me but the sound of negative voices.
I could hear a faint voice say before fading out again. I saw nothing but a black pit, as my face was fully emerged with the pillows cover.
Suddenly I felt a small hand grab onto my arm gently. My thoughts suddenly stopped, and my breathing became easier. The small hand began climbing up my back, slowly he put his hands slightly around my waist. My tense body became more relaxed by the second.
"Cross are you okay?." I could hear a familiar voice beside me, it was Horror. I move my face to the side of my pillow being able to see Horros face. He was holding a tray of Chicken curry, with rice and a glass of orange juice on the side.
"Nightmare said Error almost killed you, and Dream's here because he wanted to see if you were alright." He said looking at the small skeleton towered over me.
"I see, thanks Dream." I could see his eyes glissin a bit like stars after hearing my gratitude. He smiles at me, and I suddenly felt happy. He slid off my back and stumbled down the bed.
Horror has already wonder off in my room, he uses his power to move a table above my bed perfectly alined above my knees.
"Thanks Horror." I say a bit pleased and I sit up, finally eating the delicious curry that was made from Horror.
"I'm trying new recipes! So I hope you like it, Dream over here helped me as well." He said as he rubbed Dreams head that was standing beside him. I grin at the view and continued eating.
"Come on Dream, let's head back to the dinner table shall we?" He lends his hand to me and I take it without hesitation. After awhile Horror has actually ease up to me, when he had first babbysitted me he tried to eat me. But he soon came to the realisation that he can't, because I'm a skeleton just like him.
He doesn't mind being around me much since then, he acts like a big brother to me and I think he knows that. No matter how creepy this skeleton can be, he has a big heart. He cooks and even does gardening in his free time, sometimes it feels like his appearance barley represents him at all.
"You took you're damn time, eat before your food gets dry." I could hear the familiar voice echo loudly, it was Nightmare. He lifts me up with his tentacles and sits me down on a chair.
Ive never done that before. My power I mean, actually I didn't intentionally know I could do it. I just listened to my heart and my heart spoke back to me. As if it understood what I wanted to do, that I wanted to ease Crosses mind. And it worked.
———- end of chapter 4

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