Chapter 1 "Void"

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The light shined through my eyelids as I grew more conscious, slowly opening my eyes I saw nothing but a void of white. "Hello? Anyone out there?" I could hear my voice echoing further and further through the void. I inspect my surroundings more, my body some how became smaller and my clothes didn't fit. In fact my clothes were the only thing providing me with warmth.
"Is... I-Is anyone out there?" My voice began to tremble. I could feel my heart beat race and my hands start to shake. Who am I?
Unsolved questions flooded my mind, almost silencing the void.
The only thing that kind of fit my body was the crown that had a sun carved into it. It basically stopped at the ridge of my nose. And the rest of my clothing was around 10times my size. My bony skin prickled as the air became colder and colder.
My warm tears begin to pour and I crawl up into a bowl, hiding beneath the oversized clothing on-top of me. Hopping that maybe I was just dreaming, and all of this was just a nightmare. That I'd remember everything once I woke up.
I could hear different sounds after a few hours had passed, but my fear provoked me and I stayed seated in my warm cloths. The sounds became voices, deep voices. I couldn't tell if I was going crazy from the silence, or if someone was really there.
Nevertheless, I was scared.
I could feel a presence, I didn't dare to move an inch and I held my breath. I could feel hands gripping onto my clothing, I flinched and the hand did as well.
"Dream?.." the shakey voice responded, he had a deep voice but it sounded familiar. It made me feel, safe? But I kept in place, tucking under the cloths, clenching onto it out of stress. What if they were gonna eat me?
I could feel the cloths lift up with me, as if someone was grabbing it from the top and lifting it. I slip out, basically naked with only a crown on my head, as I present myself unwillingly.
I look at the figure standing in-front of me, he was.. goopy? It was hard to tell what the figure was thinking at that moment, but the aura around this figure made me feel tense. Yet he looked familiar, he gave me a feeling of warmth but at the same time he gave me an uneasy feeling. Clearly mixed signals. Just behind him I could see 2 other figures standing there. They're both in pure shock. Both of them were wearing similar clothing, they both had a dark blue jacket and a gray top underneath, as well as a pair of black shorts and blue, white shoes. The only difference between the two was their faces (and their cloths kind of), one had a target on their gray top, he has black tears smudged under his eyes. And the other skeleton looked terrifying, his face was sinister with a red glowing eye socket, as well as a huge hole at the back of his head.
They all just stood there frozen, I feel my eyes swell up with tears. The goopy skeleton panicked, he patted my back gently as he gave me a 'warm smile'.
"Hey, hey it's okay Dream." He says panicking.
Is my name, Dream?
I try to silence my cries, he slowly begins to end the soothing back-patting after as few minutes.
The voice echoed far, it was another skeleton. He stood there with a huge brush in his hand. He's wearing a long-sleeved, white undershirt with a small brown jacket over it. His pants are overalls with the tops tucked into his waist. The legs are very wide at the bottom, with creases around the legs. And he wore brown shoes with a zebra type pattern of the front flaps.
"Ink.." I could hear the goopy skeleton mumble.
"Oh shut up Horror." I snap, turning my head slightly, he looks at me with an exaggerated 'grumpy' expression. I respond by look back at him a death glare as he looks away almost sweating. I grin at my success as I open a portal, "Hurry up, we don't have all day." gesturing my hands at the portal. Killer goes in first and Horror joins in, I go through after them and close the portal behind us. It was an empty void-
I could feel myself freeze, is that Dream?.
No no no no no no no, this isn't what I want.
I teleport to the bundle of clothing, it's definitely Dreams.. He isn't dead is he? This isn't actually..
I could feel my eyes swelling up a bit, and I could feel Killer and Horrors present behind me. They didn't say anything but stare, they were just as confused, but not concerned. "Dream?.." as I could feel my voice weakening a bit. I touch the cloths trying to inspect it, but I could feel something under it flinch. I throw my hand back, confused. What is under this thing? I use one of my tentacles to lift up the sheets of cloths and a skeleton slips out. He's wearing Dreams crown, but how? He looks back at me, he looks confused and scared. His eyes are exactly the same as Dreams, but hes so young this cant be Dream. Who is this? I could feel his fear aurora around his body, and also a positive force. He's confused, just like us.
I could see his tears begin to swell up his eye sockets, "Hey, hey it's okay Dream." I pat his back gently which seems to soothed him. What am I doing? We're enemies, why do I care about him so much?
This is my opportunity to kill him.
"STAY AWAY FROM HIM NIGHTMARE."I could hear Ink shout.
"Tsk, Ink." I say mumbling under my breath in annoyance, I gesture my eyes to Killer and Horror. Ordering them to attack without physically telling them to, they understood and begin to stall.
I could see Ink pushing through any bones and axes thrown at him, he's determined. Using my tentacles I grab the young skeleton within my grasp, not holding him too tight but not enough space for him to move.
"LET GO OF HIM NIGHTMARE." I could hear the skeleton shout almost screaming, he was angry. I lay a portal beneath me,
"You're going to have to make me." I grin as the skeleton reaches his hand out to Dream. Killer and Horror hopped through the next dimension with me before I close the portal, leaving Ink hopeless.
—————— end of chapter 1

Bad Sanses Raise DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora