- White is the New Black - Mentor Chuuya AU

Start from the beginning

"i... Jinko??? HEY!"

(btw atsushi was teasing about the emo phase to chuuya. If the joke flew over your head-)

"I can tell why people will say you are related and not related"

"You mention that shit one more time"

"Don't be like that sweetheart" Akutagawa was ready to murder him as the group stared "As he said, I am white reaper. I don't mind you guys knowing my real name but I am still not supposed to be known fully... You will see me around him since we are ordered to be a duo when needed"

"Oh i see" Hirostu chuckled "You will be the next soukoku"

"Correct, the new one or Shin Soukoku.... Chuuya-san wasn't expecting this either"

"I already want to kill him"

"See? We are getting so along already"

"I can see Chuuya influenced your dressing style?" Tachihara got a hum "I mean, you don't look bad anyways"

"This is causal attire in all honestly" They gave him a look "I know... I am not proud of my fancy but causal attires... Ah right, you have to introduce me to kyouka-chan"


"If shes with Ane-san" They seem to perk up at the nickname "She isn't gonna do anything if I am there"

"You met" Higuchi spoke "Lady Kouyou?"

"She almost slit my throat when we met but yes" Atsushi chuckled at the wild look "Ane-san didn't expect me to be in chuuya-sans house"

"You sleep at his house?"

"I... That's not important if i sleep at my mentor's house or not"

"Tiger-chan" Atsushi turned quickly "I was told to come greet you with Kyouka-chan"

He greeted a small bow before going over to the little girl. She stared as he crouched in front of her making the boy smile. Atsushi went rubbing her head making her eyes widden a bit-

"Nice to meet you Kyouka-chan. You will be under my care starting today too... If the emo idiot gives you trouble you can come to me"

".. Hes looking to be dead by the end of the day"

"Se-senpai... The orders..."

"I am supposed to tell you to call me white reaper but.... How about you call me Astu-nii? If that's alright?"

"I knew my chuuya would be a good mentor" Kouyou smiled behind her sleeve as Kyouka was hugging atsushi happily "You are very fortunate"

"I really am. I love and respect chuuya-san.... Are those papers for us?"

"Correct. Akutagawa" He walked, taking them with a small greeting "Your welcome. It should be done by the end of the day. Mori has given you this mission to know each other better and to understand each of your abilities... Don't mess it up cause you will be reporting directly to mori and given Chuuya the written"

"Understood... Kyouka-chan? Lets hang out again okay?" He patted her head as she let go nodding with a slight shine "Good.. Hopefully this one doesn't try shit"

"I know to follow orders when given"

"If that was the case" Atsushi went taking the papers whispering "Dazai-san wouldn't have done what he did"

Akutagawa went after him yelling as the tiger just grinned waving by. The dog can't kill him in these walls after all. When the mission is done, he will make that damn weretiger regret it... Wait, why is he so quick?

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