October 29, 2017

19 1 0

Dear Scorpius,

It's almost Halloween. I'm thinking of spending it at Hagrid's, make him narrate stories about his dragons and all the vile and scary creatures that lives in the forbidden forest. What could be better than that for Halloween?

I've certainly been enjoying our study sessions.

I've spent a lot of time in the library with different partners. For instance, there's Albus, who drooled all over his Potions book the first few minutes, or Dominique, who spent majority of our "studying" looking in the mirror and telling me things about her love life I'd rather not hear about. Also, there's Molly and Fred, who nearly got Madam Pince kick us out because of their boisterous argument about quidditch.

So far, I feel like you're the only study partner I've had who may really stick and I say this maybe because you're the only person who can actually match my stubbornness. It doesn't hurt that you're smart, too (though, if you go around telling people I said this, I will hex you into oblivion). Point is, you're a challenge. I like that.

Also, since you don't feel comfortable exchanging letters through Al anymore... I suggest we just slip them between the pages of Hogwarts: A History on isle 16 of the library. You know, the one with the chipping, old leather as cover? I'll charm the book so it's not visible to just anybody, that way we avoid the risk of someone borrowing the book and reading our letters. Not that our exchanges have been inappropriate whatsoever.

Just thought you would like to know since you did want privacy and honestly speaking, I think I do, too.


P.S: I guess this makes us OFFICIAL pen pals now :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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