October 13, 2017

21 1 0

Greetings Rose!

I'm sorry it took me three whole days to write you back. Albus is being an obsessive tosser, who keeps trailing me wherever I go and teasing me every chance he gets.

I'm starting to think we should just send out these letters using our owls instead of exchanging them via Al. The less I tell him, the more he seem to want to know what we are talking about, which up until this point hasn't been that much, really. Besides, it's not like we talk about inappropriate subjects.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I just want to have a little privacy, you know?

So now...here I am, hiding in a broom cupboard, writing this letter with nothing but the tip of my wand illuminating this tiny space.

Chances are you are going to find a lot of illegible words in this letter, so my apologies in advance. My handwriting is usually neat but it is difficult to write with one hand holding out a wand all while balancing Hogwarts: A History on my lap as a makeshift desk.

Anyway, you asked about how I'm finding my classes in your letter. So far, I'm finding everything great and fascinating.

It might come as a shock for you but contrary to what Albus says, my favorite class is Potions. Not flying. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy flying a lot. I just find Potions a lot more stimulating.

In Potions, we get to use our calculation skills and practice a lot of ratio and portioning. The idea of creating something out of various ingredients gives me a sense of... I don't know... you could say purpose, I guess.

It's been a good two months but I figure it may just get better now that you and I are unofficial pen pals.

I am really glad to know you, Rose. Even if it's just on paper for now. I look forward to meeting you in the flesh, hopefully very soon and preferably without Albus.

He can be a pain sometimes.


PS: I may take you up on that offer. I have been wanting to visit the library for a while now. I need to study for an upcoming History of Magic exams. Maybe you could even help me?

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