Chapter 6

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Bakugo's POV

I walked up to the nerd's house and rang the doorbell. It took a while but after a while the nerd came out with his robe on. Oh my god! He is so damn cute. Why does he have to be so cute. This is fucking ridiculous. I could feel my face heat up at the sight of him. 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵

"Oh hi Kacchan, I didn't realize you would show up early. Sorry for opening the door like this I was trying to take a bath before we went out." he said.

I immediately close the door and sat on the couch and waited for him to finish. 20 minutes later he came out looking so cute. "Alright I'm ready to go Kacchan." he said. Then we left and went out to eat. I'm really happy that I am dating this adorable nerd. His hair shines like the grass and his eyes are even better!

Izuku's POV

We went out on a date and it was so fun! We went to a restaurant and a cafe to get coffee cause honest to bid I needed one. I was so tired cause I barely slept last night because I was excited for the next day. "Well good night you damn nerd and see you tomorrow." Kacchan said. I went into my house and got ready for my daily fuck session. Then after that I went to clean myself up and went to bed with the plastic penis still in me pretending it was Kacchan's.

Author's Note 

Sorry I've been gone so long but here is the 6th part and enjoy! Love you!!!!

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