Chapter Fifty-Three

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After the game I break the news to Ryatt and Ryder that they'll be joining us for a bit. Their dad is letting them have a sleep over so they can spend time with their siblings. Ryder sees through the lie. I know he does, but he doesn't acknowledge it. And that I am thankful for.

I also break the news to my parents at the same time. Despite sitting right next to Levi and I, they were too focused on the game to hear the conversation. I know I should have been, but I needed to fix the broken family around me.

I meet Pierce at the edge of the field. I should be waiting with the families, but I just need to be by his side. I've just taken on a massive burden that I didn't accommodate in my plans. I also signed Pierce up for it as well. Nothing like starting parenting earlier for him.

"How did my little man like the first game?" Pierce chuckles and kisses my head. He's dripping head to toe in sweat. And despite constantly telling him it's okay to hug me, he doesn't.

"We were a little distracted. But he kicked a lot so maybe he enjoyed it. Got all excited with all the cheering maybe." I chuckle a little and grab his free hand.

"You are definitely distracted. Wanna spill now or later?" Reece and Grayson run up and knock into Pierce. It seems as though they've answered for me.

"Party at mine, you guys coming?" Grayson asks immediately. We know how awful parties turn at Grayson and Allie's but that didn't mean I wanted to stay away. The boys deserved to be celebrated for their constant wins. The trio is unstoppable.

Issue was, I now have two kids to take care of. I couldn't just leave and go as I pleased. My parents didn't sign up for this. I did. Ryatt and Ryder were my concern, not anyone else's.

"We will see. It's been a long day already, but I'll definitely try Gray. Just for you." I smile at my best friend. I hope he doesn't see through how fake it is. But he knows me too well his face questions me but his mouth does not.

"Always trying to steal my girl." Pierce jokes as we finally reach all the families waiting to greet the star players. Eyes glare at me. Of course they do, I'm a teenager pregnant by their favorite athlete. I'm to be hated and glared at. I'm ruining pretty boy's life.

"P!" Ryatt and Ryder jump up into Pierce's sweaty arms as a shocked expression fills his facial features.

"I'll explain at my place." I nod my head at him. He has his place for the night. He wasn't going home, he was coming to mine.

With the long winded conversations ending, the boys head off to the locker rooms to shower and change as I head home with way more people than expected.

My parent's seemed to have convinced Reece to get a ride from Grayson and Pierce because I join my mom in the car with Ryatt and Ryder, and Lucy and Luca ride home with my dad. Better abide by the rules of the road then get in trouble it seems. We already have enough eyes, we don't need anymore.

"Did you want to go out with your friends tonight?" My mom glances at me as she drives down the road.

"I can't ask you to watch them it's not fair. I offered to take care of them. Not you." I sigh and rest my head against the window. Not because I'm upset or anything other than it's been a long day and my organs are being squished by a tiny human.

"Sweetheart it's just putting them to bed and giving them baths, it's not a massive deal. I want you to spend time with your friends as much as possible." My mom reaches out and places her hand on top of mine.

"Really? Are you sure?" I look over at my mom for a few seconds before adjusting my focus to the littles in the backseat.

"Of course, I'm sure Luca and Lucy will also put them to sleep honestly. You know how much they love being with each other."

I thank my mom as we pull into the driveway and go into the kitchen to make everyone a bed time snack. It's the least I could do leaving my parents with two new kids to take care of.

"Momma Charlee, we stay?" Ryatt pulls at my sweats to get my attention.

"Yeah you're gonna have a sleep over here for a little. Your daddy and mommy are going on a little vacation so you get to hang out with me." I ruffle the hair on top of her head. "What kind of bed time snack would you like?"

"Snack?" She questions me. She hms as she thinks. "Cookie!" She clasps her hands together and runs off when Ryder starts to chase her around the kitchen.

I pour the littles glasses of milk and get a cookie for them and set them up at the kitchen counter to enjoy whenever they stop fooling around. I'm not going to stop them for now, I'm going to let them wear as much energy out as possible.

"Baby?" Pierce's voice pierces my ears and halts me on the stairs. I look over my shoulder at him with a small smile as he climbs the stairs two at a time.

"You didn't shower at the school?" I look at his greasy looking hair instead of wet hair. 

"Thought maybe you've had a long week and I could shower and join you in a nice bath. Rub your back and just let you relax a little. Seems like you need it. Then you can fill me in on what's going on with the littles." Pierce presses a feather light kiss to my cheek.

"That would be nice. Can you just check with my mom to make sure that's fine while I finish my way to my room? You'll be a lot quicker." I chuckle.

"Ask your mom if we can take a bath together?" Pierce questions me. He's so lost. I get it. I haven't explained anything to him. But his response makes me want to facepalm.

"I'm in charge of Ry and Ryder so just ask if it's cool. I mean she said I can have the night off but ju—" the stress on my tone must be extremely evident because Pierce doesn't question anymore. He just heads off to chat with my mom while I start running bath water.

Of course my mom agrees to letting me have the night off so Pierce returns not too long after leaving with a smile on his face. "Already getting ready I see."

I nod my head staying quiet. He jumps in the shower and ignores my bout of quietness. By the time he's finished I've climbed into the bath and have already begun relaxing.

I get the back rub I so desperately need and spill the news to Pierce. He's definitely agrees with the decision. He misses his sister but he won't ever back down first. He did nothing wrong. The Kingston's are extremely hardheaded. Hopefully Levi has enough willpower to persevere and get through to his wife. Hopefully my boyfriend will get his sister back.

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