Chapter Forty

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The day is spent mostly in bed. I don't have the energy to do much and Pierce seems fine with that. He leaves only to grab lunch and bring it back. I end up with an apple and... well an apple. I know it's not healthy but nothing sounded good. My stomach is in knots and I don't think I'll be able to have a decent meal until I'm home again.

"Have you talked to your friends yet?" I ask with my head rested on Pierce's chest. He nods but doesn't say anything in response.

He's been quiet all day. I'm afraid to ask why. I don't want to push him. We are walking on eggshells enough. If something was really and truly bugging him, I'd hope he'd be able to open up and tell me, not keep it to himself.

"Do you mind if I go out for a walk by myself?" I sit up on the bed, glancing down at Pierce waiting for an answer.

"By yourself?" He raises his brows almost as if denying me with one little movement of his features.

"I need some fresh air and I want a bit of space." I grab his hand. "I'm not upset with you either. You haven't done anything. I just want a bit of me time I guess is a better way to put it." I plaster a fake smile on my face. He normally can see through my fake smiles but oddly he sends me on my way.

I slowly leave the hotel room. But not without multiple checks from Pierce that I have all my things. He couldn't even begin to fathom the idea that I could ever be hurt. Even when it's me hurting myself it's like his entire world is exploding. Pierce is so entangled with me that whatever I feel, he does and vice versa.

I honestly don't even want to go for a walk, instead I just sit in the lobby and watch the people come and go. Nothing interesting happens and I don't stay gone long. I just needed space to clear my head, figure out how to navigate Pierce's stubborn mind.

Once I have a plan of action I head back up to our hotel room and knock on the door. Pierce doesn't answer, so I knock again. This time it's much harder. I feel actual pain in my knuckles as I do it. This time he comes to the door.

"That wasn't long." Pierce says, his breath heavier than normal. Odd because what the fuck could be doing that's making him out of breath.

"I told you I just needed some air." I shrug my shoulders and make my way over to our bed and sit down. He follows me, but doesn't sit next to me. Instead he sits on the chair in the corner of the room to look at me as he speaks.

"Is something wrong?" He asks me, leaning forward resting his elbows on his knees. He's ready to listen to what I have to say.

"I'm good." I smile at him, again another fake one. I wonder if he'll catch it this time.

"That's your second fake smile today. I know you're not. Tell me what's on your mind." I really wish he were closer. He's so far away. But I don't want to say that. I don't want to be needy, or feel needy.

"I just feel like you're off. I don't want to push so I'm just trying to figure it out in my head instead. It's not worth the possible argument that might come." I shrug and glance toward the ground.

"I thought we were good. What would cause an argument?" Pierce leaves the chair and sits on the bed beside me. His hands entangle their way up in mine.

"You just aren't really talking to me. I assumed I had done something again." I shrug my shoulders. "I asked about your friends. I got a response but silence. I don't know. Emotions and all at." I laugh a little once again blaming the growing child in me for how I'm acting.

"I didn't realize I was being standoffish. I apologize." Pierce smiles at me. The conversation pretty much ends there. I don't bring up his weird breathing and I let things settle as they are.

The day turns to night and it's officially time to head out to whatever party his friends have going on for the night. I'm worried about what's going to happen. Not just how I will react or how Charlotte will react. I'm more worried about what I'm going to be around and how it might trigger Pierce and I to do things we will regret.

"Are you sure I'm fine to go in this?" I look at my reflection in the mirror. Pierce is stood behind me studying my reflection as well. His eyes look with admiration. But they always look with admiration. It's like he can never get enough of me.

"Baby you could go in a trash bag and I'm pretty sure no one would care." Pierce runs his hands down my arms and wraps his arms around me. "Plus we're matching, if they're judging you they're judging me."

"I'm more worried about Charlotte seeing me in this jacket and throwing a fit. I'm sure she wore this herself." I glance toward the ground but he doesn't allow me to for long.

To catch my attention he places a kiss to my cheek. I nuzzle my head into his as we both focus our eyes back in the mirror. My eyes lock to how absolutely perfect he looks. Even though I know he's just rolled out of bed and threw dirty clothes off the floor on to look how he does.

"No one's touched the jacket but you. Trust me. This is my prize possession. You know that." Pierce moves out from behind me and laces his fingers between mine. "It's time to show our faces."

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