Chapter 1.5

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SIGH, and so I'm here. I feel as if I barely got enough sleep.

I'm with Hirata and Ayanokouji right now going to Hirata's group meeting place. We were arrived, several guys and girls were gathered near the door. The meeting hadn't started yet, so we approached the line without making a fuss.

"Unless I'm mistaken, you're also in the group meeting at 20:40, yes?"

We heard a rather low, deep voice. Katsuragi, from Class A. He had an incredibly calm and collected demeanor for a first-year high school student. He was cool and composed and had a good physique to boot.

"Yes, I am. And what exactly does that have to do with you?" answered the girl with long black hair, who faced Katsuragi without hesitation.

"I knew it," he said. "That's good news. I wanted to speak with you again. I'm also in the 20:40 group. Starting tomorrow, we will be working together." Horikita Suzune stared back at Katsuragi.

"You wanted to speak with me? Funny. Didn't you completely ignore me the other day?" she said.

During the test on the island, Horikita and Katsuragi had crossed paths only once. At the time, Katsuragi showed no interest in Horikita and hadn't tried to hold a conversation with her. However, the tables had apparently turned. Three guys who probably belonged to Class A grouped around Katsuragi, as well as two girls from either Class B or C. They listened in on the conversation from a short distance away.

"You're correct. I certainly haven't acknowledged anyone in Class D until now. However, considering the incredible results from the last test, it would be impossible for me not to pay attention to you. Wouldn't you agree? You laid the groundwork to win and succeeded handsomely.

He probably never could have imagined that Class D would be triumphant. From Katsuragi's point of view, his contact with Horikita in front of the cave had all been a part of her strategy. Horikita had certainly made big waves within Class D, and the number of girls who admired her had increased over the last few days. Unfortunately, Horikita didn't exactly respond well to people who wanted to become friends with her. However, compared to how things had gone in the past, she'd hurt and enraged fewer people than usual. Her classmates now seemed to interpret her selfish demeanor as concern for the class.

With that in mind, Horikita's refusal to become anyone's friend now came across differently. Interactions with her suddenly became more nuanced. Even if she gave them the cold shoulder, people didn't really take offense. If anything, they might've found it cute. Other classes now viewed Horikita as more than a superior student with good grades. Because of the results she'd garnered, they viewed her as a puppet master, a mastermind who worked behind the scenes. They viewed her as a threat and were on guard around her.

"I don't know what the future might hold, but...should Class D overtake Class C, know that Class A would attack you without mercy."

"That's rather petty. From Class A's perspective, are we such a big deal? I mean, there's a significant gap in points between us."

"That's certainly true. However, we must be cautious. It's no laughing matter when those who have been perceived as weak and stupid begin to rise up. If one class manages to change its station, we must be vigilant. I would give the same warning to both Classes B and C."

Katsuragi's entourage collectively glared at Horikita. An ordinary girl would've burst into tears, but Horikita didn't seem intimidated in the slightest.

The situation appeared hopeless, until an unexpected arrival changed everything. The girls' faces instantly lit up as a boy walked quietly past us.

"I don't much like ganging up on people or threatening other classes."

The School Full of Elite Students Volume 4: Classroom of the Elite x Male OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora