26. under the sky

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Katherine packed her bags in silence. She folded her clothes carefully so her mother wouldn't scold her when she returned home and she placed her books in between her thick sweaters so maybe her mother could sell them for extra money.

Kat knew that with her father gone, her mother was struggling for money. She got the hint when her mother wrote to her saying she wouldn't be able to pick her up at the train station when school ended because she was working until midnight that day. Her mother was never good at hiding things.

Her mother wasn't the only one who had written recently, her father had too. Kat had hidden his letters at the very bottom of her trunk. Every night before bed she would read every single one of his letters. She scanned every line and repeated every sentence in her head, she couldn't see why her father could possibly be dangerous.

Would the man who wished her the best in every letter possibly be someone who was now meant to be feared?

Kat was too afraid to write back, she was too afraid of what her mother would do, and she was too afraid of how her father might respond.

"Kat!" She heard the loud voice of Hestia call out. Kat's head went up and saw Hestia looking an awful lot more upbeat than she usually was. "You didn't tell me you had a thing for Remus Lupin!" She accused before running off to sit on Kat's bed.

"What?" Kat said, her voice sounding painfully squeaky. "I don't!" 

Hestia ignored her and continued, "No wonder you're always running off! I always thought you just seriously liked being alone, I was getting a bit concerned actually."

"I'm not always running off," Kat defended, though she knew it was a lie.

"Yes, you are!" Hestia rolled her eyes, "You ran off after the Quidditch game, and you're always sneaking out, and last time I saw you running off in the great hall-"

"Okay, I get it." Kat sighed.

"So you like him?"

"I don't know, maybe? Kinda?" Kat wasn't even sure why she was answering truthfully to Hestia but she was helpless with her crush at this point, and telling Hestia wouldn't change anything anyway.

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