14. hurt

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Kat couldn't seem to fall asleep. She had spent all night tossing and turning, her bed didn't feel quite as comfortable as it did other days. She shut her eyes closed one last time when she felt the sunlight on her tired face.

She squinted her eyes after she had slowly opened them and once she realized that the sun was up she almost jumped out of bed. She rushed over to the window where she looked over for Remus and his friends, but they were nowhere to be seen.

After a long night of thinking Kat had a couple of ideas on why the marauders would run off at night, she had expected them to be back by now, but the outsides of the castle looked as lonely as they always did. She sighed before plopping herself back on her bed.

She was only being able to sleep for a few minutes before she woke up again, this time she woke up at a much better time. Kat found herself being the last to wake up, her roommates were already dashing around the room, rushing to get ready.

Kat got up as well and once she was ready she dashed out of the room. She paced around the castle halls in search of Remus, or at least his friends. 

After searching and scanning almost every inch of the school she stood in front of the hospital wing. It was the place she hadn't searched, he had to be in there.

She hesitated before going in, the thought of him being hurt scared her, and if he was hurt, what could she do? She couldn't help him, and maybe he didn't even want to see her anyway.

Suddenly she saw James Potter pacing nervously out of the hospital wing alongside Peter, Sirius following behind the two with an expression full of guilt.

Not knowing what to do, Kat hid behind the closest wall, she didn't mean to be nosy but she also couldn't help but listen to what they were saying.

"I'm sorry." Sirius let out, his breath was weak. His eyes were glued to the floor, he didn't seem to have the strength or pride to bring his head up.

"Tell that to Remus." The Potter boy spoke up, his voice was cold, angry. Peter looked at him, almost surprised at how angry his friend was. "You-" He took a breath, "You should just leave." James continued but this time his tone was calmer like he had given up.

Sirius wanted to stay. Kat could tell he did, but yet he marched off and she could've sworn she saw him wiping away a tear. Kat then turned her attention back to the remaining two boys but this time she couldn't hear them that well, Peter was saying something to James but his voice was so soft it was almost a whisper.

The two boys continued to speak with each other for a few seconds before leaving off together.

Once they were gone from her sight she quickly tip-toed into the hospital wing, as if she was afraid of getting caught by anyone.

She quickly spotted Snape in the first bed, he didn't seem to be awake, but he wasn't quite dead either. Kat never knew much about the Slytherin boy, only that he used to be friends with Lily and that he was awfully strange - at least in her opinion.

Ignoring the resting boy she made her way to the other end of the large room where she Remus. sitting up on the side of his bed. Her eyes softened in worry when he saw him, his eyes were red and his scars seemed to look worse than they had looked before. He winced in pain as he cleaned a bleeding wound on his arm with a small piece of cloth.

To her surprise she quickly walked up to him, her worry taking over her. "I'll help you." She said softly as she grabbed the cloth from his hand and dabbed it carefully on his cut.

Remus looked up at her for a second before taking the cloth back, "It's fine, I'll do it." He went back to wiping away his blood.

Kat brought her head up and looked up at him. His expression was still, not making it easy for her to try and guess how he was feeling. She cleared her throat in awkwardness before asking, "Um, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He answered quickly in the same still tone. He didn't bother looking up this time, Kat was now contemplating whether she should not come at all.

"I know you went out yesterday." She said although she regret it right away. "I was going to follow you but Peter said not to."

Remus finally looked up at her, "You shouldn't worry about me."

"Why not?" Kat spoke quietly. "We're friends right?"

"Maybe we shouldn't be."

Kat's eyes slightly widened at his words, "What- why not?"

"Because I don't want you getting hurt, Kat." His eyes stared into hers, this time his voice got slightly louder, more desperate.

Kat shut her mouth, she wasn't exactly sure what to say or do now. Would she leave? What would she do if she stayed? Kat wanted to stay with him, but Kat didn't want to leave, Kat wanted to tell him that she wanted to stay close, that she wanted to stay friends, and that she didn't care if she ever got hurt for any reason.

But she stayed still, the quietness was taunting in the almost empty room.

"Remus dear! How are you feeling so far?" Madam Pomfrey came rushing over to Remus, not taking notice of Kat. "Oh I'm sorry dear," She turned to face Kat, "did you want to speak with Remus first? I can leave and come back later."

"Oh- no it's fine," Kat replied. "I was just about to leave anyway." Kat offered a polite smile to the older woman.

She gave Remus one last weak smile before making her way to leave the Hospital Wing.

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