15. snape

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"Lily wants to talk with me?" Snape asked, obvious disbelief was placed on his face.

Before she left the hospital wing Kat saw Snape again, though this time he was awake. Kat wasn't expecting to be lying to the strange, quiet boy but she wanted to know the truth and somehow Severus Snape seemed to get himself tangled in the situation with the marauders.

"Yeah, um she said she had to talk to you. She said you could meet her at the black lake at four." Kat tried her best to not let her nervousness show.

Kat knew Snape used to be friends with Lily, but that changed when he called her mudblood in front of a hand full of students. Kat felt bad for using Lily to lie to Snape but she knew that was the only way to get him to talk to her.

"Why would she send you?" Snape asked coldly.

"I suppose she was too nervous to come and ask you." Kat shrugged.

Snape looked her dead in the eyes, almost seeming like a human lie detector. He didn't truly believe her, Kat knew it, but maybe - just maybe, he had a little bit of hope. "Fine." He breathed out after a few seconds.

"Fine?" Kat's eyes widened at his unexpected answer.

"Fine, I'll meet her there." He answered again, his voice monotone as ever.

Kat hid her proud smile, "Okay! I'll let her know." She said before dashing out of the hospital wing.

Kat was proud but not completely satisfied. Remus was acting strange. He seemed tired and maybe even angry, Kat couldn't help but think that everything she had done annoyed him. She didn't want this to be how she would end things with him.

Whatever she had done she would do whatever to fix it. She had already lost so many things, she couldn't lose Remus as well.

"Hey Kat!" Lily's voice made Kat jump, she hadn't noticed when she had started walking beside her.

"Oh hey, Lily." Kat smiled at the girl.

"What's up?" Lily asked.

"Nothing much." Kat shrugged. "You?" She turned her head towards Lily.

"The same." Lily shrugged as well and the pair fell into silence for a second. "Do you think you could become my study partner?" Lily asked. "You probably already have one, but Marlene refuses to study anything other than Quidditch and my old partner was Severus but can probably assume how that ended." Lily frowned at the thought.

For a second Kat's heart ached at the mention of Snape's name but she quickly put on a smile. "Of course! I don't have a study partner so that'd be great."

"Yay!" Lily smiled brightly. "You're the best Kat!" She turned to Kat with her awfully contagious smile, "Gotta go!" Lily gave Kat a small wave.

"Bye." Kat waved back.

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The black lake had always been quite frightening to Kat. She had heard the rumors floating around school about the strange creatures that roamed the dark waters in her first year and 11-year-old Kat was deadly afraid of them. Later her fears weren't as big but she would never get too close to the lake just in case.

She was leaning on a boulder when she heard a rustling sound from the branches near her. She assumed Snape was here already and she was right. Soon Snape was visible to her, he was looking around, feeling uneasy about the unsettling spot.

His once cold gaze turned even colder when he found that Lily was nowhere in sight and instead an awkward Kat stood a few feet in front of him.

"Where's Lily?" His question was stern as if he was demanding an answer.

"Um- not here." Kat nervously replied.

Severus just sighed and turned around, more than ready to leave.

"Wait!" She called out. "I'm sorry for lying to you but I- I just had a question."

Severus turned back around wondering if it was worth his precious time. "What is it?" He demanded.

"Well um- I was wondering why you were in the hospital wing," Kat said.

"Why didn't you ask me earlier?" He quickly shot back.

"I was afraid you wouldn't want to answer," Kat added nervously.

"Well it isn't any of your business, but since you called me all the way out here I guess I should just tell you," He went on with obvious annoyance. "I got hurt yesterday."

"How?" Kat quickly asked.

Snape raised an eyebrow, "Why should I tell you?"

"Well- It's just- Remus was in there too and he wouldn't tell me what was wrong, and well- since you were there as well I was wondering if you got hurt for the same reason." Kat blurted.

"Why are you worried about Lupin?" Snape almost looked disgusted by the thought.

Kat was well aware of Snape's hatred for the marauders, but she ignored his tone of disgust. "He's my friend."

Snape thought about it for a minute before answering, "Forget it, I don't need to tell you anything." He scoffed and was about to leave again.

"Wait!" Kat called out again. "I'm just worried about him."

Snape rolled his eyes. "Fine." He let out. "Only because you're bugging me and you probably won't shut up if I leave."

Kat ignored the boy's rude remark and smiled. "Thank you."

"I suppose you don't know what your boyfriend is," Snape started.

"He's not my boyf-"

"He's a werewolf." Snape interrupted, his expression looked the same as if had admitted nothing. "I suppose Black thought it'd be funny to tell me to go over to the whomping willow last night where Lupin almost killed me."

Katherine stayed still, not seeming to find the right thing to say or do.

"I knew there was something off about him." Snape accused as he crossed his arms. Silence overtook them, Kat was still processing Snape's words and Snape was simply looking out into the distance. "I answered your question. I can leave now." He spoke up after a while.

"Wait-" Kat found herself saying for the third time but Snape didn't wait this time, he was already too busy walking away.

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