19. confused

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Remus Lupin skimmed around the corridors and made his way up the astronomy tower, ignoring the heavy breaths he was letting out due to the large number of stone stairs

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Remus Lupin skimmed around the corridors and made his way up the astronomy tower, ignoring the heavy breaths he was letting out due to the large number of stone stairs. 

Once his face was hit by the cool air, he settled down a bit on a step facing the sky.

The days went by quickly and Remus found himself slowly getting closer to Kat.

The day Remus apologized in the library was the first time they talked after their small not-so-happy conversation, and since then the two slowly got closer to the way they used to be.

First, it started with a few "hellos" here are there, then they studied together, and now, though Remus wasn't sure, they were back to how they used to be.

But Remus wasn't sure. Remus didn't understand. He didn't quite understand why his heart raced when Kat smiled at him, he didn't understand why a warmth took over his cheeks when she got closer to him, and he didn't understand why he suddenly got nervous around the girl.

Maybe things weren't back to how they used to be.

"Hi, Remus." A sudden Kat appeared in front of the boy. She smiled brightly as she took a seat right next to the currently lonely boy. Her hair was pushed back slightly by the wind and her eyes were bright as if it wasn't late at night.

There it was. The strange feeling in his stomach and the strong thump of his heart that felt so loud, he hoped no one could hear.

"Hi Kat." He replied, hoping his strange behavior wasn't as noticeable to Kat as it was to him.

"How was your day?" She asked, but before Remus let out an answer she started speaking, "My day went by fine, potions was incredibly boring though," She went on before Remus saw a flash of seriousness pass her eyes as she remembered something. "Oh, right," She pulled out a small, ripped envelope from her robes. 

Remus turned to her in curiosity, "What's that?"

"My dad sent it," Kat replied. Remus looked at her with wide eyes, he scanned her face for any sight of worry or anger, but either she was very good at hiding it or it didn't affect the girl at all.

"What's it say?" He asked.

"He just asked how I was...and how my mom was." Kat shrugged. It wasn't such a big deal to her anyway, it's not like he was asking her to join him and share his dark secrets. It was bound to happen and she knew it, she just didn't know it would be so soon.

"Are you okay with it?" Remus asked and Kat faced him. She spotted the genuine concern in his eyes and grinned slightly.

"I'm okay with it," She tilted her head back. "I guess it's just kinda weird. I didn't expect a letter from him," Kat said honestly before facing the boy. "but it's okay." She smiled to confirm that it was really all okay.

Remus stared back at her, he planned to smile back, but he just couldn't seem to. He stared at the girl's pretty face when he felt an uncomfortable warmth creep up onto his cheeks, the same one he had felt before. 

He didn't like it at all.

"Um- I gotta go." Remus quickly stood up and made his way down the cold stairs before he could think or say anything else. 

He paced through the castle, his heels quickly turning at every corner, and his steps becoming quicker with every step. After what seemed like forever, he finally entered the red and gold common room. He smiled to himself for a second at the view of his three friends chatting away in front of the fireplace.

Yes, three.

Not only did Remus make up with Katherine this past month but he had also made up with Sirius Black. It wasn't easy of course, Remus didn't allow it to be and wouldn't admit it but he slightly enjoyed watching his friend sulk and beg for forgiveness. 

"What's up Moony?" Sirius asked right when he spotted Remus entering the common room. Instead of replying Remus groaned and threw himself onto a couch where Peter was sitting. 

"What is it?" Peter asked, wondering why his friend looked so troubled.

"Nothing." Remus sighed.

James sat up, "C'mon mate! Tell us!" He practically demanded.

Remus sat up as well, "Well, it's just-" He paused for a second, trying to find the right words. "I'm just confused."

"About what?" Sirius asked.

"Well, it's just- things are kinda weird with Kat right now," Remus answered.

Sirius tilted his head, "Weird how?"

Remus winced at the thought of the strange flustering and uncomfortable awkwardness. "Well...sometimes I just feel strange around her." He turned around to see the weird, confused stares his friends were sending him. "Like, I suddenly feel nervous or still, or maybe when I-"

"You mean like when you fancy someone?" James said as it was the most obvious thing ever with a chuckle.

"What?" Remus's eyebrows furrowed. "No, not like that-"

"Oh Moony, the fool you are." Peter let out, enjoying the current situation. 

"Shut up Pete." Remus glared at Peter before defending himself once more. "It's not like that."

"Whatever you say," James arrogantly shrugged. "But I am the protector of love, so I would know."

Remus rolled his eyes. "Shove off Prongs." He retorted, though his words stayed on his mind. He didn't fancy Katherine Vu. He couldn't. They were friends, that's all. That's all, right?

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