20. madam vera

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The Hogsmeade streets were busy and filled with students. Groups and pairs of students rushed in and out of small shops and laughter and chatter could be heard faintly around every corner. Most weekends were like this in Hogsmeade, especially now that exams were starting soon, it seemed as if everyone needed a small getaway from school. 

Katherine found herself alone as she did for most of the time now, everyone seemed to be far too interested in their own lives right now, including her. She was growing older like many other of her fellow students, and with age comes many more things than simple freedom or happiness. They were in midst of a war after all.

Most of Kat's peers didn't think they would be affected by the war, and to be honest, neither did she. Although they were growing, they were still kids, and sometimes it was better to be treated as a kid than an adult. As a kid, you are vulnerable and weak, unfit for war, meaning you are safe. 

They were wrong.

In war, time does not wait for you. It doesn't wait for you to grow responsible or brave. It will take you head first. War does not care if you're a kid. War waits for no one.

But the war did not stop the students from flooding the small town happily. Students would smile and laugh as if they were oblivious to the fact that death was near, but they weren't. Adults would assume their children didn't know the dangerous truth, but it was foolish really, all anyone could talk about was the war. 

Maybe smiling and laughing was the most hopeful thing one could do, and hope was all they needed.

Kat's eyes scanned the town, she quickly spotted Marlene and was about to make her way to her but she suddenly caught the sight of Remus Lupin standing alone, leaning on a wall, looking bored out of his mind.

Before giving it another thought Kat walked over to him, "Hi." She smiled. 

He turned his head to face her and couldn't help but grin back, "Hey."

Kat's smile grew before she leaned against the wall right beside Remus, "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Waiting for Peter, James, and Sirius to finish shopping," He frowned a bit. "They take an awfully long time and I couldn't stand being in those crowded shops any longer." He said making Kat nod in acknowledgment. "What about you?" He turned to her.

"Nothing really, probably just gonna look for a book or something." She shrugged, she knew she could probably find a perfectly good book in the school's library but that would just take all the fun out of it. "I should probably get going." She said to the boy.

Remus nodded, his heart ached a bit that the girl was leaving so soon but he didn't do anything to show it, "Okay."

"Bye then." Kat smiled widely at him before pacing away.

Remus wasn't sure what exactly took over him but he found himself running after Kat, "Wait,"

Kat turned around to face him and she tilted her head in confusion, wondering why the boy was catching up to her.

"Um- there's a store I know for books, maybe I could take you." He said and Kat's face lit up. 

"Sure." She nodded.

On their way to the bookshop, the pair walked in silence. Not the awkward, tense kind of silence but more of the comfortable one. They walked passed all the groups of students and after a couple of minutes, they were in front of an old, worn-out-looking shop.

Without sparing a word, Remus opened the creaky door and stepped inside with Kat following behind. The store seemed almost isolated as not one soul could be seen inside. Each step Kat would take would cause the wooden floors to creak. The books looked a bit dusty as if no one had touched them in a while and the lights were dimmed as if there was no one to complain about the bad lighting.

An elder lady popped out from behind the counter with a wide smile, causing Kat to slightly jump back in fright. The lady's hair was pitch black but the roots of her hair were white, probably caused by her older age, she had a bright orange dress on which Kat thought was very unique and quite adorable.

"Remus dear!" The woman smiled brightly at the sight of the boy. "I haven't seen you in quite a while!" She happily clapped her hands together.

"Hello, Madam Vera." Remus returned her bright smile.

"Oh!" The so-called Madam Vera turned over to see Kat, "And who might you be darling?"

"Oh hello Miss, I'm Katherine." Kat smiled politely over to the elder lady. 

"I see," The woman smiled in delight before turning over back to Remus, "Is she your girlfriend Remus?" She suddenly asked earning a light, panicked blush from Remus and wide eyes from Kat.

Remus shook his head quickly, "No- she's just a friend." He said, hoping he didn't sound as flustered as he felt.

"Oh right," Madam Vera laughed softly, not quite believing the boy. "So what are you here for boy?"

Remus smiled in relief, happy that the subject had changed, "Would you happen to have any more muggle books?" He asked.

"Oh yes! I just got some last month and I'll think you'll like them very much, they're in the back." She answered.

"Thank you." Remus thanked her with a smile and turned over to Kat, "I'll be right back."

"Okay." Kat nodded as she saw Remus walk past the near bookshelves until he was nowhere in sight.

"Y'know Remus has never brought anyone here," The woman's sudden voice caused Kat's head to turn over to her. "You must be very dear to him." She smiled.

Kat stood there for a minute, not exactly sure what to reply. Thankfully, before the silence went on for too long Remus came back with two books in his hand. 

"I'll take these two, Madam Vera." He raised the books a bit so Madam Vera could see them. 

"That'll be 5 sickles for you, boy." Madam Vera said and Remus handed her the sickles he had gotten when he reached into his pocket. 

"Thank you, Madam Vera." He smiled at the woman before heading for the door. 

"Come again, boy!" She called out, "You as well, Katherine!"

The pair stepped out of the old shop and walked alongside each other. 

"Oh right," Remus said as he remembered something, "Here, I hope you don't mind that I picked a book for you." He handed her a book that was slightly old and worn out, but she didn't mind. "It's The Great Gatsby, I think you'll like it."

"Thanks," Kat said softly, touched by the idea that someone picked a book for her. She felt a strange, warm, and fuzzy feeling and she didn't push it away or even pay much attention to it. She couldn't. Because for a second, everything was perfect, at least to her.

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