Chapter 32 - You Win, You Lose

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Eyes sharp, fists at the ready, you growled as you made yourself known to the enemy. Walking through the bases hallways, the blaring alarms fell unto deaf ears. Your fur still dripped with ocean water, leaving behind puddles through the hall. Firm steps thundered as you stormed through the HQ you once called home.

But it wasn't anymore.

Stopping in place, you glared at the Mobians who were once your team mates, and the badniks that charged towards you. Closing your eyes, you swung a foot back, securing your footing. Tail flicking, ears twitching, your eyes snapped open a growl rumbling from your throat. Glancing from left to right, you analysed your enemies, a smirk falling on you lips as they attacked.

Moving your head back, you dodged a fisted swing. Latching onto the Mobians arm, you launched his body to the side, his back slamming against the ground. Pushing off the ground as a razor claw from a moto bug swung at you, you landed on its back before leaping off it and using the extra height to take down the Buzzer's as they prepared their weapons.

Smoothly landing on the ground, one leg extended with the other tucked under you, you placed your hands on the ground as you spun around on the tip of your toes, knocking Mobians off their feet. Tucking your extended leg under you, you launched off the ground with a strong push, sending you into a back flip. Grabbing the shoulders of another Mobian, you forced them to the ground as you used your weight to slam them against the ground on their back.

Feeling two hand grab onto your tail, you felt a tug as the Mobian attempted to pull you off your feet. Barring your teeth, you spun around to face them. Despite your fierce glare, the Mobian continued to try to pull you off your feet. Yanking your tail from their grip, the Mobian didn't flinch or reveal any expression. They just changed their stance and went to attack you with their fists. Stepping to the side, they landed on their face, revealing a small robot attacked to the back of their head. You didn't get much time to process what sat atop their head, as a moto bug attempted to catch you off guard.

Swinging your leg around, you smashed the robot into pieces. Glaring up at the few remaining enemies, you caught voice of an angered Eggman over the speakers, yelling at his allies failure to stop you. Ignoring his words, you continued your battle.

Hitting a Mobian in the face with your tail, you snatched their shirt and brought their stomach into your raised knee. Letting them drop to the floor, you ducked under a knife that was lunged at your face. Grabbing the Mobians arm and you pulled them over yourself, sending them flying and crashing into approaching moto bugs.

Breathing heavily, you stood overlooking your damage. Your tail flicked in satisfaction, your chest heaving with air. That was problem one dealt with. Now you had problem number two, finding Tails.


Ears twisting back at the sharp sound, you spun around, eyes widening as you stared down the face of a gun's barrel once again. Heart picking up speed, the Mobian readies his aim, finger itching to pull the trigger. Your breath got caught in your throat as their gloved finger slowly began to pull back the trigger. Taking two stumbling steps back, you knew your time was up.

But it wasn't.

Tails, seemingly out of nowhere, grabbed onto the Mobians wrist from underneath. The Mobians grip loosening on the gun as he pressed against a pressure point on their arms. Gun hitting the ground, Tails's blue eyes sharpened. Swiftly, Tails moved one of his hands to the Mobians stomach, and used all his strength to swing the Mobian over himself and crack the Mobians back against the ground. His tails thrashed behind him fiercely, his foot pressing against the Mobian chest to ensure he stayed down.

Your eyes widened, heart leaping out your chest at the sight of the fox. Tail wagging and a smile falling upon your face, you retook your lost steps. Tails, hearing your footsteps, lifted his own head, his eyes catching yours. A relieved grin grew on his muzzle.

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