Chapter 22 - I Don't Wanna be Someone...

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I am beginning to write a Silver x Reader - still needs some planning and stuff - but once I finish planning I will notify of its release.

Until then, enjoy the chapter


Leaping to the side, you rolled over top the snow as you dodged a metal claw from knocking you off your feet. Metal Sonic whirred angrily, his engine flaring as he made a sharp turn to speed back towards you. Dragging your hand through the snow, you slowed your momentum, your knees touching the snow. Eyes sharpening, your ears perked as he flew towards you.

Patiently, you waited. Snow melted under the flames of his engines. Smirking, you push off the ground, launching yourself over the furious fake hedgehog.

"Missed me," you taunted as you stepped atop his metal quills, using them to as a plat form to flip over and land gracefully on your feet. Your tail twirled mockingly, temping the hedgehog to come at you. His eyes burn red as screeches. He pounces, claws unhinged. Rolling your eyes, you wave your tail, like a bull fighter waves his flag at the bull.

Sliding to the side, you spin as you side-step the metal beast. Planting your foot into the snow, you grin at the fuming robot. He grips his hand around the pole that held the pull up bars, and spun himself quickly around. You go to leap over him again, but as you do, he digs his claws into your tail, yanking you down into the icy snow face first.

He tightens his grip on your tail making you wince. Spinning onto your back, you go to kick the metal hedgehog, but it has no effect. His eyes glare into you, as he pressed his metal foot into your chest. Your breath was forced out of your lungs as your newly healed ribs shook under the pressure. Gritting your teeth, you claw at his metal leg, trying to pry it off you. You gasp for air, struggling profusely.

Just as the world begins to fade Scourge yells, "That's enough Metal. Training's over." The pressure on your chest if lifted as Metal takes his foot of you. Coughing, you turn onto your stomach as you drink in the crisp air.

"No fair!" your arms shaking as you stare up at the robot, "he grabbed my tail!"

"It's very fair if he wins," Eggman replied, chuckling at the whole ordeal. Of course he would. He probably told metal to squish you.

"But he doesn't and neither do you," you grumble, hauling yourself onto weak knees. Brushing you clothes and fur free from flakes of ice, you glare at the hedgehog and fat man.

"Watch it (Y/A)," he threatens angrily. He crosses his arms in an attempt to seem scarier.

Taking a firm step towards the egg headed human, Metal stood in your way. His claws snapped, extending. He lightly buzzed a warning. Your ears flatten as you growl with bared teeth. Instantly, he growls back, eyes burning a deep scarlet. You slowly approach each other, ready to tear one another apart.

"Enough from all of you," Scourge scolds from next to Eggman, his black leather jacket buttoned up to defend against the cold, "We can't have any infighting. Especially during tomorrow nights mission." Your ears perk. You turn to attention to the green hedgehog, confused.


We never spoke about a mission.

"Mission?" you asked, standing up straight and facing him. His ears flatten as he avoids your gaze.

He didn't.

"Yes, I ran through it with Eggman-"

He did!

Your teeth bare in a sneer, " of course you did." Rolling your eyes, you cross your arms. "For someone who isn't even family, your a lot closer to Eggman than me. Its not like I'm your niece."

"(Y/N) behave yourself, your not a kid anymore so stop acting like one," he growled, ears flattening.

Excuse me!

"Watch me," you spat furiously. Linking eyes with the mechanical hedgehog, you stuck your tongue out. Your tail lashed as your ears flicked up to hear his machinery loudly churn. His eyes sharpen like a cats eyes, his chest whirring as he springs toward you. As he collides into you, you use his weight and momentum against him, spinning him around and pinning him onto the ground. Your foot pressed into the side of his face, the other keeping your grounded. He screeches as he thrashes about. "Whats wrong Metal? Couldn't best little old me?"

He lifts his claws and digs them into your leg that pressed against his face. Yelping as his claws made your leg bleed, you yanked your leg free from his grip. Shaking your leg, the red droplets bleeding into the snow, you limp on your foot. Metal grumbles as he slowly gets onto his feet.

"Sore loser," you hiss. His body shakes as electricity flows through him. He swings his claw up at your face, wanting to strike you blind. Stepping back, you snatch onto his arm. Twisting it, you force him into the snow face first. Pressing the arm you held onto his back, your uninjured leg pinned down his other arm. You feel him trying to shake you, but you kept firm. Smirking at your victory, your ears raise triumphantly.

As you opened your mouth to mock Metal, your suddenly thrown off your feet. Your back crashed into the snow. Closing your eyes, your chest raises and falls as you try to catch the wind that was knocked out of you. Placing a hand on your head, your tail thrashes into the snow furiously. Sitting up, you were ready to voice your rage when your eyes locked onto Scourge. He towered over you, his quills raised. His blue eyes pierced into you disappointedly. Behind him Metal rose to his feet.

You knew if he had a mouth he would be giving you a smug smile.

You stare at Scourge in disbelief. Your ears flattened as you shook your head.

He knocked you down.

"Stop it (Y/N), your on my nerves!"


Metal whirs tauntingly, swaying his hips in mockery.

"You too robot," Scourge points at Metal who immediately shuts up. Standing on your feet, you stare at the ground. You didn't want to look at him, anger bubbling in your chest.

You hear him sigh through his nose, snow crunching as he approaches you. He places a hand on your shoulder, but you kept analysing the frosted floor.

"(Y/N), walk with me," he whispered, before walking off. You turn to head, watching as he exits the training arena, waiting at the top for you to follow. Glancing back at Metal and Eggman, you growl as they wave a mocking goodbye. Your ears flatten as you tail whips, your legs ploughing through the snow as you followed Scourge out of the arena.

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