Chapter 26 - Secrets

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"What the hell happened! It was a simple mission you small brained (A/T)!" Eggman shouted, face red with fury as he glared at you. His finger pointed at you, jabbing in your direction at each word displaying his inexplicable rage. Metal leaned against a wall, watching the situation with little interest.

Your ears were flat, eyes rolling as Eggman paced around angrily storming in a circle. Crossing your arms over, your eyes followed his movements as he rambled to himself.

"Careful Eggman, we don't want to say anything we will regret," Scourge warned, holding an arm out in front of the rounded human, preventing him from drilling a hole into the ground with his pacing. Eggman grumbled, shaking in irritation. Balling his hands into fists, he intertwined his arm together as they rested over his chest. He kept a sneer on his lips as he stared at you. "Thank you. Now (Y/N), what happened?"

"Well, I have been out of commission for 7 weeks, what do you expect?" you shrug, keeping calm. Scourge lifted an eyebrow as his arms crossed over each other. He wasn't buying at and you knew he wouldn't, that's why you were about to play 'THE GUILT' card. Clearing your throat, you looked down at your feet with your ears twisted back. You gave a loud sigh for all to hear, before lowering your voice, "I'm... sorry. I shouldn't have failed you like that. It was my mistake and my mistake alone-" Glancing up, you saw Scourge's shell break. He exhaled softly before strolling passed you, placing a hand on your shoulder in comfort.

"It's not your fault completely, we should have trained some more," he patted your shoulder before letting go to leave the control room, "Get some rest, we start early." The door slid shut and you smirked at your victory. Turning your head to face Eggman, you jumped back as Metal glared at you, his face almost touching yours. You took a few steps back, growling at the fake hedgehog.

"What the hell?" you yelled, lifting your arms at your frustration. Eggman huffed through his nose, not uttering a word before leaving through the same door as Scourge did, his fingers twirling his moustache in angered thought. Metal placed two of his clawed fingers in front of his eyes, before twisting his hand around to point his two fingers at you, signalling his intention of keeping his eyes on you. You rolled your eyes, unaffected by his threat. With a churn of his gears, he followed Eggman. Smirking, you faced the door with crossed arms and tail flicking, "Oh no hedgehog, you wont even see me coming."

Letting an hour pass, you found yourself returning into the ventilation system. It was still a tight fit, and just as dusty, but it came with a good cause. Your mission, get that USB drive from Eggman's room, transfer the data onto the USB Tails gave you, return the USB to Eggman to eliminate suspicion, return Tails's USB to him, figure out the Egg's plan, and save the day.

The dust tickled your sensitive nose as it desperately needed to sneeze. Your ears ached from being forced against your head while you eyes watered from the dust. Wiggling your nose, you shifted your way uncomfortably through the metal vent. You could feel the cool metal sting against your skin, burning it cold. With a few more tight turns, you successfully found yourself at the grate above Eggman's room. The light shone into the ventilation shaft, reflecting against the metal. Pulling yourself next to the grate, you glanced through its metal lines.

And what you saw blinded you.

Eggman standing in the middle of his room, wearing nothing but a towel around his waste.

Instantly lifting your head back you, you shut your eyes, but that only seemed to make it worse. You shook your head and poked your tongue out. That was sight that was going to haunt you forever.

I could have lived my whole life without seeing that.

"Metal, stand outside my room door and ensure no imbeciles interrupt me," Eggman ordered before slamming his bathroom door closed. Safely knowing your eyes would be spared from that sight, you gazed back through the grate. Metal swiftly exited the room through the door, closing it and standing guard outside it. The second he disappeared you smiled.

Fools they are.

Silently yanking the grate free, you pushed it to the side of the vent before easily sliding down the square gap. Landing on your feet without a sound, your eyes quickly danced left to right scanning for any cameras or dangers. Deeming the room safe, you swiftly began to rummage through draws and cupboards.

Eventually you reached the beside tables. Searching through the draws, your gloved fingers felt the similar size and shape of the USB stick you stole months ago. Snatching the objects between your fingers, you lifted the device in front of your eyes, twirling it between your fingers.

And fools they will always be.

Ears raising and tail flicking in success, you held the device firmly in your grasp. Gazing up at the open ventilation system, your ears fell as you noticed your height would hinder you from reaching the shaft. Rolling your eyes, you uselessly tried to reach the metal edge of the vent. At you failure, you silently sighed. Placing a hand on your hips, your scratched the back of your head with your free hand. Pushing an ear forward with your hand, your eyes caught the sight of the desk next to you. Eyebrows raising, you quickly scrambled atop the desk. Giving one big jump, you caught the edge of the vent and managed to haul yourself into the ventilation.

Slithering your way through the twisting caverns of the vents, you were freed from the dusty tunnels as you made it to the control room. Scrubbing your nose with the back of your hand, you made you way over to the computer. Switching it on with a click of a button, you attacked the USB's to the computers USB points.

Opening up both USB files, you copied the blue print, info, and research of whatever Eggman had planed onto the Tails's device. Not wanting to waste time with reading the files and increase your chances of getting caught, you ensured all the needed data in the USB was getting transferred.. It took almost no time at all to transfer, only a few minutes passing before it was safe to retrieve both devices. Shoving Tails's USB into the same pocket as your phone, you were about to log out of the computer when a file caught your attention on the home screen.

You head tilted to the side, your eyes scrunching in confusion at the file that newly sat on the home screen. One ear was raised in curiosity, while the other was pressed back against your head. Your tail remained still, physically unable to move as your eyes read the files name.


In all your years of logging onto this computer and running through its files for numerous mission reports, you had never seen one with your last name on it. You mind told you to shrug it off and ignore it, afraid of what it held and told. But you gut told you to open it, that it may be important. Torn between choices, you didn't realise your fingers double click the file.

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