Chapter 14 - Playing a Dangerous Game

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Blood warning :D


The loud steps of heavy feet rung in your ears, snatching your attention. As you were pulled back down to earth, you painfully sat up. Your ribs burned. It had felt like an eternity had passed where you couldn't feel them, but now that you returned from your dreams they wanted to be noticed.

Fatigued, you yawned and stretched, reawakening yourself. From under the crack of your door, you uninterestingly watched the two shadows stroll passed. Rubbing your face with your hands, your ears continued to follow the sound.


Eyes snapping open, your head turned in the direction of the noise. You knew that iconic noise from anywhere.


And where Metal goes Eggman goes.

Hauling yourself to your feet as fast as you could, you hobbled to your door. Placing your ear against the cool surface, your ear echoed with the matching pair of Metal Sonic and Eggman's steps. From the sound of their direction, they where headed to the main control room.

Hand reaching for your door nob you were about to swing your door open to follow and see what they were up to so late at night, but stopped. You starred at the handle for a few wavering seconds. If they were going to the control room, they could see you coming from the cameras, and you wouldn't be able to find out why they were there in the first place. And struggle even more to find out their plan. Still encased in thought you took a step away from your door.

Your ears flattened, mind running. As an idea hit you, your ears perked. Your tail swayed to the side as your turned to face your plan.

The Vent.

In the top corner of your room, parallel to your bed, was a small vent that often used as an aircon. Grabbing the wooden chair that sat at your desk, you dragged it towards the vent. Carefully lining it up under the vent, you gulped.

Would you even fit it such a tight space. You had no idea.

Balancing atop the chair, you pulled at the small vent cover, nearly falling back at it gave out with a POP. Chucking the metal cover on your bed, you grabbed at the edges of the rectangular vent, and began clawing your way up.

You felt squished.

As you pushed your head through, you felt your ears press against your head, your tail getting pushed between your legs. The dust that had been sitting for years tickled your nose, agitating your nose. Wriggling your nose, you began to shimmy your way through the vent. Your chest was uncomfortably pressed, your ribs feeling claustrophobic in their pain.

Your question of weather you could fit or not answers.

Sort of.

Sweat beaded down your face as the heat of the small space caught up with you. As you managed to just wipe your forehead, you noticed that you were still wearing Tails's jacket. By now it was covered with dust and grime, and you knew you were going to have to clean it before you returned it.

The thought of seeing Tails again brought a smile to your face as you continued to crawl through the small space.

Guess I have a reason to see him now

HEY, focus

"You see this Metal? This is how we win once and for all," Eggman's voice echoed through the vent, hurting your ears. Turning your, you gazed down a tunnel that lead to a beam of light that was shining from below.

Found ya.

Dragging yourself to the light, you were blinded by the bright light of the room hitting your eyes. Silently hissing, you rapidly blinked to adjust your eyes. Below you stood Eggman and Metal. Eggman was leaning over the console of the control room, gazing at the screen with an evil grin reaching from ear to ear. His fingers twirled through his mustache.

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