Chapter 15 - TV Shows and Ugly Tears

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Holding the leather jacket in your hands, your fingers trailed the line of stitches you sewed. You managed to completely mend the gash that was on the jackets side. Sighing, you hoped that your patchwork was good enough to not be noticeable to Tails, he is a genius, you just really hoped he wasn't good at noticing things.

As you walked through the forest, you watched flickies fly around the trees while small forest critters ran along the forest floor. Letting the fresh air into your lungs, for the first time after you got absolutely knocked out by Knuckles, your chest wasn't hurting. You knew your ribs were not healed, its only been about two weeks, but it felt a lot better. The cut in your side was also healing... well, not completely. When you wrapped it up that night you forgot to clean the wound resulting in a lovely infection in the morning. It wasn't two serious, only lasting a few days, but it completely stopped your wound from healing. It politely left you with the same sized gash in your side as before.

Music softly sang in your ear the closer you got to Tails's lab. Shifting your attention, your ears twitched, catching every note of the songs that echoed around you. You laughed as you noticed the words were sweet, following with a slow-ish beat.

Love songs

You rolled your eyes, grinning as you drew closer, tail wagging.

Can't believe I struggle to fight him. He's a softie.

Emerging from the dense forest, you immediately make you way to his lab. You noticed that his side garage was open, his plane half in and half out. Tools were sprawled out against the dusty ground. Two tails stuck out from under the plane, swaying to the beat of the music. You could hear him humming to the music as he twisted something in place.

Unable to contain yourself, you laughed. Tails went to lift his head at the sound of your voice, bonking his head on the bottom of his plane. Making it out from under the planes exhausts, he gazed back at it angrily.

"Ow," he hissed at it, rubbing his forehead. His ears perked the second he caught sight of you, smiling like a child, "(Y/N)! Hey!" Jutting your hip out, hoping you didn't just reopen your scabbed wound, you crossed your arms. A smirk played on your lips.

"Feeling lonely without me?" You jokingly mocked him, flicking your head to the side, gesturing to his radio. Matching your smug smile, he placed a hand on his heart, the other over his head.

Closing his eyes he cried, "Its been a full week since I last saw you, I just couldn't bear it!" Rolling your eyes you chuckled. Slowly clapping after placing his jacket under your arm.

"I see you got movement of your arm back," you commented, happy and tail showing it with a gentle wag. Nodding, the male fox extended both arms in front of him, opening and closing his fists with a wide grin.

"Yep! And I couldn't be happier," plopping both of them to the ground next to him, he continued, "You know how painful it was not working on my projects. These babies were made to create, not sit like... noodles." He flopped his arms around clumsily. You felt a slight pang of guilt, knowing that the only reason he went through that was because he saved your life.

Shaking your head, you pulled his jacket from under your arm, holding it.

"Anyways, I came here to return this," You placed a hand on your abdomen (pretending you were hugging yourself), secretly rubbing the wound as it began to throb, "I may have accidently stole it." You softly smiled, apologising.

"No sweat," he jumped on his feet, "I kinda thought I lost it. Wouldn't have been the first time." He shrugged, taking his jacket from you with a grin. When he stood directly in front of you, you released his fur was covered in grease. One line was particularly more noticeable than the rest. It was a solid black line that sat between his nose an top lip, looking like a moustache.

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