Chapter 21 - Are You Falling in Love?

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Arms wrapped contently around your tail, you slept soundly on the couch. The fabric didn't itch or scratch. The pillow wasn't to hard or soft. The blanket too hot or cold. For the first time in a while, you fell into a deep slumber. Training had been harsh, messing with your already ruined sleep schedule.

But this was nice.

Tails's home brought a comfort to you. Everything about his place... everything about him, was just to relaxing. He always made you feel welcome. Something about his character was just charming.

Your tail began wagging as you thought about the twin tailed fox.

You remembered his soft fur as he held you close. His eyes reflecting his determination to save you yesterday. His arms keeping their grip around you as he flew to safety. The (H/D) he made happily for you. It made you smile like crazy.

You wouldn't never admit you were fangirling in your sleep.

But you were.

And as your heart picked up its speed in pure energy, you eyes snapped open. Heat rushed to your face as you realized that you just dreamt about Tails. Letting go of your thumping tail, it swished side to side violently. Hands covering your face, you rolled onto your back at you quietly groaned. Dragging your face down, you gazed up at the ceiling.

That's when you realized, you were no longer at the desk where you had originally fell asleep.

Leaning up on your shoulders, you searched around the dark house in wonder.

How did I get here? I definitely fell asleep at that desk. So then... How?


Face blushing an unbelievable shade of red, you flopped back on the sofa, air puffing from the cushions. Tail hitting the plush cushions of the sofa, your heart skipped a beat- which actually hurt a lot. You knew exactly how you got here, and to think of it made you want to squeal.

Tails carried me!

Sitting up on the couch, you held your cheeks, fingers stealing their warmth. With a sigh, you attempted to calm your racing heart. Holding the fluffy blanket over your knees, you glance over at the clock that sat on the wall. Your imagined it was around nine'ish a reasonable time to return home.

Eyes widening, your blinked as you read the time. It was two hours into the next day. Leaping to your feet, letting the blanket drop to the floor, you rush for the door, scrambling over the blankets and fallen pillows. Feeling the cool metal handle through your gloves, you froze.

You couldn't just disappear on Tails without saying anything.

Glancing back into the dark house, you bit your lip in thought. You could text him but his phone might buzz and wake him. Then he would try to take you home, figure out who you are, and hate you. You could leave a sticky note. But where would he see it? Your mind panicked, your thoughts tracking in different directions at wild speeds.

Finally deciding on a plan, you grabbed a sticky note from a drawer in his laboratory, you picked up a pen that sat in a cup. Messily you wrote;

Sorry I'm not there in the morning. I have to go home or my Uncle will flip. By the time I get home he will already want to kill me. Text me when you read this so I know you got the sticky note

You drew a mini smiley face but erased it. You placed a mini heart but also erased it. Contemplating what to draw beside the note, your ear flinched at the sound of the clock ticking. You didn't have time for little drawings.

Peeling the sticky note from the table you ran into his kitchen and stuck it on his fridge, hoping he would see it.

Swiftly, returning to the door, you swung it open. A gust of snowy wind cooled your once warm body. Shivering, you silently shut the door behind you. Snugging yourself in Tails's now second stolen jumper, you trotted out into the snowy outdoors. Flecks of white snow stuck to the fabric of the clothing, melting and creating wet spots. It was an unpleasant feeling. Your nose was frozen, body shivering, and the tips of your ears felt numb. It was awful.

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