Chapter 28 - Nothing Left but A Fox

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"(Y/N)!" Tails called desperately. His yellow figure appearing in the doorway a few hours later. His chest was heaving, sweat beading down his face. His eyes danced around the building, desperately searching for you. Glancing up the stairs, he rushed up them, skipping every second step while calling out your name. You hears his feet run around above you, your name ringing through the observatory. Leaping down the stair case, his ears were flat against his head, his tails panickily hit against one another. Tails's breath was ragged, uneven, and rushed. Spinning around, Tails's was about to rush out the door before his ears perked up, halting him in his search.

Shutting his mouth, he held his breathing to listen to the silent sobs that echoed around him. Ears flicking left and right, eventually they settled in the same direction leading his eyes towards the little corner under the stairs. Cautiously making his way over, he peeked under the stairs, his ears falling and eyes growing soft as he saw you small form quivering in the shadows. Giving a relived sigh upon finding you, he slowly sat himself next to you.

Eyes red and puffy, you sneak a glance up at the fox. Your cheek fur was stained with tears, eyes wide and tired. Tails met your (E/C) eyes, a small caring smile on his lips. Sniffling, you plopped your head on your knees, tucking your legs in to your chest further. Your ears were twisted back, tail wrapped firmly around you. Eyes distant, dancing around in thought. Tails comfortingly placed both his tails behind your back, acting as a cushion for your sore back. Meeting his blue eyes again, you completely broke down.

You leaned towards him, wrapping your arms around him in one smooth motion. You snuggled your face into his chest as you began to burst in tears again. Without hesitation, Tails wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him and wrapping his tails tighter around your shaking form. He softly patted your back, moving his hand in circles to calm you down. Resting his head atop of yours, he hushes you with soft words.

Slowly your sobs lessen, your eyes dry, having shed all their tears. Placing his hands on wither side of your head, he gently holds your face in front of his. His thumbs caress your cheeks, wiping away stray tears. With soft, caring eyes, he stared into your (E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N), what happened?" his words were warm, comforting. With newly founded tears swelling in your eyes, you grab his hands that rested on your face and them in your own, lowering them as you stared towards the ground. Closing your eyes for a fraction of a second, you let out a quivering breath.

"What I thought I knew was all a lie," you whispered. Tails remained silent, allowing you time to breathe. You feel his hot breath fan your face. "Scourge... killed my mother," you uttered out, your words quaking with cracks. Tails tensed, his fur raising in anger, heat radiating from him. A small growl thundered from his chest but he swallowed it down. Nodding, Tails prompted for you to continue. "He told me, ever since I was a kid, that she abandoned me, and let me hate her for it. But she didn't, he killed her and lied to me for my whole life."

His eyes burned, ears twisting back while he scrunched his nose. You could feel his tails twitch, itching to thrash around, but remained still, protecting you. Tails attempted to keep cool, but you could easily see through, he was more than ready to give Scourge a piece of his mind.

"That son of a- that-"

Your eyes grow heavy, the world spotting with black, a small pinch on your back causing the drowsy sensation. Longer and longer your eyes would close for, stinging from their exhaustion. Body feeling limp, you slump your shoulders letting your ears droop forward. Subconsciously you began to count each and every blink you took.

Like how a child counts sheep.





Tails is thrown out of his anger when a sudden weight hits his chest. Blinking, he glances down as your sleeping form as you snuggle up to him. A small falls on his face, his eyes turning soft. Wrapping his arms around you, he pulled your closer, ensuring your comfort as you rested your sleepy eyes. His tails tightened around you, acting as a blanket in the cool winter morning.

He wanted to protect you.

He needed to protect you.

You've suffered so much. More than he could ever possibly handle or imagine. And he was going to protect you from the world.

Or he wouldn't know what to do with his life, seeing as...

you were his life.


Ears perking at the snap of a twig, he eyes glare outside the open doorway of the observatory. His ears flick and twitch, catching multiple soft noises, only noticeable with focus.

Closing an eye shut at a sudden punch on his shoulder, he drags his hand over the point of the pain. Feeling the cool metal of a dart like needle, he yaks the small object from his shoulder. Staring at the dart with squinted eyes that were fading to dark, he shook his head, refusing to fall under the sleeping agents influence.

With drowsy eyes, he catches the silhouettes of badniks surrounding both him and you. Growling, he kept his grip on your firm, eyes widening as he noticed a small dart pricking your skin in your back. He curses to himself for not having noticed.

He had to protect you!

He Would protect you!

"Nighty Night, fox," a familiar voice cackled. Normally, he would easily discern who the voice belonged to, his everything was blurring together. Somehow he could hear what he saw and see what he heard. Shaking his head, he attempted to catch sight of the villain he was unable to pinpoint, the name trapped on the tip of his tongue. A sharp laugh shot through his ears... or was it his eyes... and he knew who it was.

But a hard knock on the back of his head was enough to make him forget. His senses rung as they dove into a pool of black. The last moments he could recollect was his body falling limp and crashing into the cement below him-




and you getting torn from his safe arms.

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