Final Chapter: A Righteous Faith!

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Rem then begins to jump down and heads towards the lower flower of the sanctuary.

-Back to (Y/N)-

Vishos: What's the matter, boy?! Start fighting back!

(Y/N): Fine! You're asking for it!

You then held out your arms and summoned two lightning spears from your palms and fired them out towards Vishos's Europa.

It was a direct hit, but you knew what was going to happen if any attacks are going to hit Europa.

(Y/N): (Just as I expected. Europa still has its own barrier.)

Vishos: Now that I've become a God, I'm invincible! Fufuhahahaha!

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Vishos: Now that I've become a God, I'm invincible! Fufuhahahaha!

(Y/N): (Keep being arrogant, and it'll be your downfall!)

You thought to yourself with an angry look until...

Lumachina: Vishos!

You and Vishos looked over to Lumachina's voice and you can see her by herself.

Vishos: *Looks at Lumachina* Lumachina!

(Y/N): What are you doing out here?! Leave while you still can!

You tell Lumachina in a commanding tone in your voice, but Lumachina ignores you as she continues to talk to Vishos.

Lumachina: How many acts of corruption must you carry out?

Vishos: As many as it takes to subjugate this world's God! I'll start with you! Now die!!

(Y/N): I won't let you!

You reached out towards Vishos and grab ahold of him along with his barrier.

Vishos: You stupid, brat! Get off of me or I'll turn you into ash!

(Y/N): Let's take this outside of the city!

You then used the Shouki no Kami's powers to teleport yourself and Vishos out of the Royal Capital.

Everyone from the sanctuary and the believers from down below were confused to see Vishos's Europa and you along with your Shouki no Kami had disappeared out of sight.

Lumachina: Where...where do they go?

Leafa: Lumachina!

Lumachina turns over to her left and sees Leafa and Diablo flying up toward her.

Lumachina: Leafa! Diablo!

Diablo: Are you okay?

Lumachina: Yes, I'm fine...but (Y/N) is...

Diablo: We know. He sent himself and Vishos out of this place.

Leafa: But Diablo, Vishos still has the barrier around Europa.

How Not To Summon a Demon Lord...and his Juniors! (H.N.T.S.a.D.L X Male Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα