Chapter 2: Guild Registration and Quest!

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-No One's P.O.V-

Morning now rises, and you then felt the sun rays shining down towards your eyes.

(Y/N): Ooh boy...The sun is up...

You muttered your breath with sleepy eyes until you felt a yawn about to come out, but you covered it with your left hand.

After yawning, you then see Leafa who is sleeping on your right side and you also see that she was holding your right hand.

(Y/N): *Smiles* (Heh, how cute.)

You then moved your head to look around your surroundings. To your surprise, you were still inside the Inn from Cross Reverie.

(Y/N): (Still not a dream, huh? Oh well, I guess this is where I'm gonna live my life here with Takuma and Suguha.)

You were about to get off the bed, but someone was holding your body down to the bed as you looked down to see two pairs of hands wrapped around you from behind.

(Y/N): (Wait...isn't these hands are from...?)

Shera: Hehehe...don't even think about getting away from me Mr. Cloud~

It was the voice of Shera L. Greenwood who was hugging you from behind.

(Y/N): (Huh...Shera's hugging me from behind...Leafa is holding my right hand...Well, this is interesting. Might as well need to go back to sleep...)

You thought to yourself with a smile as you drifted back to sleep until you hear...

Diablo: Rem, hold your chest out proudly. Your budding breasts are valuable assets, too.

The sound of a slap can be heard, followed by Rem screaming which caused You, Leafa, and Shera to wake up.

Shera: Hey, what's with the screaming...?

The three of you turned to Diablo and Rem to see that Diablo had a red hand mark on his right cheek.

(Y/N): Uh...

Leafa: What the heck happened?

-Mini Time Skip-

Later, You learned that Diablo's right hand automatically groped Rem's flat chest while she was sleeping until Rem woke up, saw Diablo groping her chest, and then slapped him in the face.

So, the five of you were heading to a different location led by Rem.

Diablo: Rem, are you still mad about this morning?

Rem: I'm not mad. Please drop the subject.

Leafa: You sure are mad, sister.

(Y/N): By the way, there are not many humans around here. Care to tell us?

Rem: This is the block where Demi-Humans live.

Shera: Hardly any Humans come here.

Leafa: Thanks for the info.

Diablo (Takuma): (So there's an even greater divide between Humans and Demi-Humans in this world than there was in-game. That guy last night seemed to have a beef with me, too. He even called out his level 30 or whatever Summon. (Y/N) and Leafa was also involved in all that mess with me...)

Diablo: Does this world measure strength with the concept of level?

Shera: Y-Yeah, by levels...Though I don't have mine yet.

Rem: I'm a level 40 Summoner. The Adventurer's Guild we're heading to has a means of assessing your level.

(Y/N): Wait, they do that?

How Not To Summon a Demon Lord...and his Juniors! (H.N.T.S.a.D.L X Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz