But the mind reader just stared down at her, images of the possible future making him grimace, "can you keep your thoughts to yourself?"

"Yes." She told him as she took Bella's arm and led her over to the Porsche.

"Rosalie, Esme...," Edward muttered, shuffling through the bag of Bella's clothes that contained her scent, "could you put these on so that the tracker will pick up Bella's scent."

He basically threw the clothes into their hands and expected them to go along with it. Edward was already pretty frustrated with not getting much of a say in what was happening, so at this point he was still trying to hold out on whatever sense of control he had.

Rose looked down at the jacket that was tossed into her arms, "Why? What is she to me?"

"Rosalie," Malek said softly, coming around to her side, "Bella is with Edward. She's apart of our family now, and we protect our family."

The male pulled the jacket over her shoulders, staring her in the eyes before leaving her with a kiss on the cheek.

Edward was grateful for the males interference. If there was anyone Rose would listen to, it was going to be her mate.

She stared at the fabric that now laid on her shoulders before sending a finale glare at her brother and walking away.

Alexander finished packing the trunk and waited while Malek got the door for Rose then climbed in after her. The four of them would be riding together, including Edward which made five.

He climbed into the passengers seat and a little later, Emmett was in the drivers. All they were waiting on was Edward to finish his hero speech.

If he was Alice, Alex would have rolled up the window.

Besides, what's the point when their going to see each other later anyway.

The hand on his thigh pulled him out of his glaring thoughts and shifted his gazed to his mate, who stared back at him. He hadn't noticed but he was actively sending the gloomy couple a disgusted look.

Emmett chuckled and leaned over to kiss the boy on the cheek. Alex took the distraction gratefully, the grin on his mates face was always calming.

Even after he pulled away, Emmett's hand still remained. It was reassurance and reassuring.

They had each other.

Edward entered the Jeep just as Jasper opened the garage hanger. He was in the backseat with Rose and Malek. The latter acting as a wall between the two.

They were on the road soon after.

Alice, Jasper, and Bella heading south for phoenix, while everyone else parked outside of town to mark the humans scent along the winding road.

"Rose, mark that tree." Alex ordered as the five of them rushed through the brush.

Though this seemed to be pointless as James failed to be fooled.

He picked up on the smell of vampire and ran the other way.

"He's figured it out." Edward stated as they stared after the tracker as he changed course.

Obey Me - Twilight // Emmett C.~ Seth C. // Male OcΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα