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Alexander watched Edward speed off down the road, his arms crossed, and face turned up into a scowl as his eyes followed the car out of view. Of course, Carlisle would let the idiot go without so much as a punishment or stern talking too.

With a pat on the back, he just lets Edward leave, not even knowing where he's going or what he's going to do.

Alex turns away from the wall of windows that looks into his attic bedroom and walks over to the trap door that lets him out into the upstairs hallway.

With no effort at all, he jumps down and makes his way to the Livingroom in seconds to wait for their adoptive father. His siblings off in their own respective areas of the home.

Carlisle shows up soon after and almost as if he was expecting for his son to be waiting, begins speaking.

"I already know what you're going to say-" Carlisle started dismissively but was quickly cut off.

"Do you?" Alex asks skeptically, "You have some nerve letting him off the hook like that."

The younger crossed his arms, agitated with the older man. This isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened.

His eyes narrowed, "What were you thinking?"

"He just needs space right now, Alexander." Carlisle said, cautiously approaching the angry teen vampire.

"Space? Is that what he told you? That he needs space!" Alex lashed out. How could that self-centered prick ever fix his mouth to ask for space when he nearly jeopardized everything they've worked so hard to build in Forks.

"Alex, understand that-" the older was cut off once again.

"I understand that this human is dangerous, I am not cleaning up his mess like last time!"

"And you won't!" Carlisle exclaimed, both of his hands resting on the younger's shoulders as reassurance. "You won't, so you have nothing to worry about."

He lets go of the boy and walks over to the couch and sits ever so gently. Alex breathes a sigh before turning to face their father one more time, this time with a frown.

"Is this a joke to you?" Alex asks, Carlisle looking up at him calmly but warm.

"Of course not, Alex."

"Then why do you sit here and pretend like any of this is okay!?" The boy shouted, hands slamming onto the coffee table as he came to eye level with the older vampire. "Or have you forgotten that this isn't the first time this has happened!"

The other stays quiet, staring into the boys raging eyes.

By now the siblings where all standing in the threshold of the living room, watching the two in the tense atmosphere. Emmett was going to approach his lover and take him to cool off before things got out of hand but was stop by Malik who held a hand in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.

"Do something for once..." was the words that came out of the boy's mouth as the older staired back looking almost in pain, as if he was fighting back something but wouldn't let it show.

Obey Me - Twilight // Emmett C.~ Seth C. // Male OcWhere stories live. Discover now