Miss Mystic, biten

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I hear I slight rustling of blankets next to me. Who could that be? I think. I realize at once that this isn't my bed. Everything is too luxurious to be mine. But the events of last night circle back to me and I remember what happened. I take a peek at the person next to me, making sure it wasn't some crazy dream. I'm met with the most stunning blue yes I've ever seen.

"How long have you been watching me?" I ask. "Since I woke up." He says with a lazy smile. "When did you wake up?"

"I never went to sleep." He admits sheepishly. I blush furiously, burying my face in a pillow. "For the record..." he lifts my face up, placing a kiss on my lips. "You're very pretty asleep." He compliments.

I smile, trying to stop myself from shivering feverishly. Obviously, he notices. He places a hand on my arm. "Bia you're freezing cold." He says concernedly.

He leaves bed for a moment to grab a t-shirt from his closet, throwing it to me. I catch it gratefully, pulling it on. He climbs back into bed, and envelops me in his arms. "Much better." I sigh. We lay like that for a few minutes before I restlessly turn to him, unable to keep quiet. "What happens now?" He goes silent.

Immediately I regret being so blunt. Clearly, if it was up to me, I'd stay in his bed with him forever. But I couldn't say that. What if he decided this was a one night stand? Although could we really call it that if we hadn't even had sex? I was spiraling down into a rabbit hole of overthinking.

"I think we should refrain the news of us from the general public, unless you want to get judged by blondie, or saint Stefan." He mutters.
"So there's a us?" I ask, uncertainly.

He gazes at me with curiosity before replying. "You know for all the dirty talk that comes out out of your mouth, you're really innocent." He smirks.

"Is that a yes?" I ask. He rolls his eyes. "Yes Bia, that was a yes." I grin widely, wrapping my arms and legs around his muscular body and squeezing tightly.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Damon? Are you in there?" Stefan asked. We looked at each other bewilderingly. "Fuck." I whispered. I sprung from the bed, snatching up my black dress and shoes and stuffing them underneath. Since the door was already opening, I had no choice but to hide myself under the covers, hoping a human size bulge wouldn't be visible to Stefan.

Damon hadn't moved an inch, frozen with shock. "Damon?" Stefan asked again, stepping inside the room. I held my breath. "You're here!" Why haven't you been answering my calls?" Stefan said agitatedly. "Dunno." Damon shrugged. "Been busy."

"Busy!?" Stefan yelled exasperatedly, and I could almost picture him ripping his hair out with frustration. "What could you possibly be busy with, considering that you haven't helped the problem with John, or Pearl, or the founders council!" He exclaimed.

I frowned. Problems? With John? What exactly was Damon avoiding from telling me?

"I told you," Damon said calmly, "I'd have it figured out by the end of the day." He reassured. "Well you better get a move on because it's already 11:00." Stefan said coldly. I hear footsteps heading for the door.

"Oh, and if you happen to know where Biatrix is, please tell her to call Elena, she's worried sick." Stefan says. "She's not at home?" He asks, feigning innocence. "No. Just like you, she's been off the grid for the entire night." He sighs.

"Do you thinks she's in danger?" Damon asks, playing along. "I don't think so, but I don't know where else could she possibly be!" He says desperately. I hear the door shut abruptly behind him as he leaves.

I wait a few seconds with baited breath, hoping Stefan is long gone.

"Where could she possibly be!?" Damon exclaimed, imitating Stefan's shrill voice. I stifled a laugh. Two hands slid under the covers, lifting the blanket off me. "For reference, next time, under the bed is much safer." He chuckled, circling his hands around my stomach, pulling me out from underneath the covers. I emerged, wrapped in blankets and very flustered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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