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Jeremy's sobs awoke me. They were loud, and unlike anything I'd ever heard. I sleep in the room in between both siblings, so I had the unfortunate experience of listening to Elena and Stefan and Jeremy and Vicki from time to time.

Despite how shitty I felt, I clambered out of bed and entered Jeremy's room. "Jeremy...what happened?" He looks up at me with tear soaked eyes. "Vicki...she's.. she's dead." He sniffed. I gathered all the emotions in me to act surprised at this 'shocking' revelation. "Caroline found her body buried on the side of the highway."

"Im so sorry." I climbed onto his bed and hugged him as he wailed into my chest.

"Where. The. Hell. Have. You. Been." I freeze as I hear Jenna's threatening tone standing at the doorway. "One whole day! No calls, no one knowing where you are! I give you all the space you need, but this, this is too far." Jenna seethes. "I'm sorry, I really am, I...." I rack my brain for a plausible answer.

"Jenna, not in front of Jeremy please." Elena comes up to her side. "You have five minutes to give me a story to where the hell you have been!" Jenna yells. Elena grabs me by my arm and escorts me into to safety of her room. I am not presented the chance to say anything before she embraces me in a bone crushing hug. "How are you feeling? Are you ok? Stefan told me about what happened yesterday."

"Yeah." I said absentmindedly. "I'll make a story to sell to Jenna, you don't have to worry about anything except getting better." "Have you heard from Damon?" I interrupt. She gives a slight frown before replying, making me wish I'd stayed silent. I couldn't help it. Everything single thing I'd thought of from last night up to this morning was all Damon. Hell, I'd even dreamed of him.

"No I haven't seen him in a while, why?" Elena asks. "Never mind, it's nothing." I mutter. "I should get packed for school." I awkwardly detach myself from her hug. "Absolutely not." Elena contradicts sternly. You spent the entire day yesterday getting tortured, there's no way in hell I'm letting you go."

I don't have the strength to argue, much less come up with a acceptable reason to want to go to school. But, then, one comes to mind. "I assure you Elena I'm feeling just fine. I'm all healed. See?" I show her both sides of my neck. "If you want to." Elena murmurs disapprovingly.

I quickly get dressed, feeling submerged in the nostalgic feeling of a young girl, getting ready for a date. This wasn't a date. I reminded myself. This was a ploy to steal Elena's car and search for Damon. I wasn't sure what I'd say, or do, but I would leave future problems for future me. I could practically hear her cursing me out for not thinking my plan through.

"Ready?" Elena calls through the door. "Yep!" I answer, tugging on my shoes. Together, we leave for school. An unexpected obstacle in the shape of a foreign man block us at the door. "Uncle John!" Elena exclaims nervously. "Elena, hi." He nods. "And who might this young woman be?" He looks at me with a fake smile, scrutinizing my appearance. "A friend." Elena replies hurriedly. "We really need to get going to school." She tugs on my arm.

When I'm sure I've put enough distance between myself and Elena's creepy uncle, I dare to ask. "What is he doing here? And who is he?" I ask, sitting down in her car. "That's uncle John." Elena spat hatefully. "He sounds like a dick." I shrug.

"He is." Jeremy answers from the backseat.

I wave goodbye to Elena and Jeremy as they leave for school. "I forgot, I have free period right now." Elena isn't bothered enough to be suspicious.

I smirk as I finger the car keys I swiped from her bag. I, in fact, had no intentions of going to school.


Damon POV

I admire from a distance as she gets out of the car. I am close enough to see her face but to far away to hear her words. I watch as she waves and mouthes something to the siblings as they leave her behind to go to their classes. I catch a faint smile on her face, as she retrieves something from her bag, but not much else. I scan her expression carefully. Her face betrays nothing of what she feels. My hopes fall.

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