The one with no hope

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An incessant buzzing filled my ears. It was haunting me. The noise kept getting louder and louder, then further and further away. Loud, quiet, loud, quiet until.... "Ok you can go fuck yourself." I sat up in a sudden motion and clapped the mosquito between my palms. I groaned as red blood that wasn't mine stained my skin.

I checked the time. 1:30pm. I had never slept in this late. But I couldn't fall asleep with mosquito guts all over my hand. I sat up and padded over to the sink, washing it off. I forced myself to descend the stairs.

The atmosphere there wasn't better than my solitary room. Elena and Jenna were sprawled out on the couch, Jeremy sitting behind them on the kitchen counter, looking slightly less emo.

"Good morning sleepy." Elena grunted in my direction. "Good morning to you too, Miss self pity." Elena glared at me. I shrugged.

" I need coffee." I groaned, opening the a drawer. "I drank the last of it, sorry." Jeremy grinned up at me. I was starting to wish Damon would compel me to feel whatever this lunatic was experiencing.

"I'll go buy some then." I glanced at the mirror and cringed at the creature with my face who stared back at me. I had ginormous eye pouches. It was the first time. My hair was in desperate need of a wash, and a hairbrush, not to mention, my bright pink pajamas completed my look of Regina George turned zombie. I needed coffee.

My scavenger hunt for coffee led me to the Salvatore house. That and a better quality shower.

Fifteen minutes later I was busting down Stefan's front door. It opened. "Do you have coffee? And a shower?" I observed the woman wrapped in a towel before me. Definitely not Stefan. "I'm Lexi" she held out her hand. I shook it awkwardly. "You must be Beatrix. Stefan's told me all about you." She smiled brightly.

I scanned her up and down. "I'm sorry I don't think I know who you are, but maybe after a shower and a coffee I might remember. My hazed and tired mind didn't have the brainpower to deal with new people. I pushed past her.

I mounted the big wooden stairwell. Right at the top was a certain black-haired someone. "What happened to you? You look like a mutant zombie Regina George." He grimaced.

"That's what I said! Can I use your shower?" I asked abruptly. "Don't you have-?" "Too late! I'm using it. I entered his giant ornate bedroom. "Can I get some coffee too please?" I called out behind me.

"Coffee? I'm not your slave go do it-"I like my drink with three sugars thank you!" I interrupted, entering his huge shower.

I smiled slightly upon seeing that he had actual separate bottles of shampoo and conditioner, instead of that 15 in 1 crap most men use. But then again, if anyone took good care of their hair, it was Damon.


When I finally emerged from Damon's luscious shower, I found the same girl waiting for me. With fresh clothes. "You've earned yourself quite the reputation." Lexi said, as a manner of introduction. "You stabbed Damon, twice." She said, her face turning serious. I realized she could very well be some crazed lover girl of Damon's come to make me pay.

I opened my mouth in defense. She burst out laughing. "I don't blame you, I'm not sure anyone can be around him without wanting to tear his head off." She said in between chuckles.

I grinned. I could tell we were going to be best friends.


Thirty minutes later, me and Lexi descended the stairs, laughing about some mean joke we'd made up about Damon. I decided I liked her.

I approached the kitchen counter, on the opposite side, Damon slid me a coffee, a dark humiliated expression on his face.

"What a nice way to start my morning." I mocked him subtly. A muscle clenched in his jaw. "Well don't spend all day drinking that, because we have a party to go to." He answered in a sweet voice, filled with barely contained rage. I raised my eyebrow.

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