The one with the dance

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It was the door that woke me. It slammed so violently against the wall I swear it made the entire house shake. "There she is!" A voice which I knew to be Caroline's exclaimed.  "How could we have been dumb enough to not even look in her own bedroom?"  A relieved looking Bonnie entered. "Where have you been?" She asked me. "Too much lighttt." I groaned. I was momentarily confused about being in my own bed, why they were even here. Enter a panicked Elena, bursting through the doorway, a shiny beacon to help me remember last nights events. The pep rally, the fight, my encounter with Damon, then Stefan, then....he bit me.

The gory details of his assault came back to me in a flash. I was honestly surprised on how I wasn't dead. "I have been worried sick about you!" She yelled angrily. "First you disappear when I go get you ice, then, you're no where to be seen when Mr. Tanner was killed. Almost thought the wild animal took you aswell." She explained. "Wait, wait, wait. Mr Tanner was killed!? By whom?" I thought I already knew the answer to that question, but I just wanted to make sure.

"An animal, more precisely a puma mountain lion came out of the woods and bit him, right on the neck." Caroline informed. "The Sheriff's department caught him, no need to worry." Bonnie reassured. But he wasn't caught, the real animal was still a threat, who happened to be sleeping with Caroline.

I needed to talk to Stefan, after last night I knew Damon was as much an enemy to him than he was to me. "Let me see your cut." Elena said, interrupting my thoughts. I held out my hand for her to observe it, but it was gone. "How is that possible?" She asked, perplexed. Caroline and Bonnie also stared at it confusion written across their faces. I had no idea how it had happened.

Elena wanted to investigate further, but luckily, Jeremy entered the room, temporarily distracting them. "Your boyfriend is downstairs." He motioned to Elena in a bored tone. Elena left the room to go downstairs. Caroline seemed to remember something. "You two" She grabbed both mine and Bonnie's hand. "Are coming with me." She pulled us out of bed, and I nearly lost my balance.We, need to get prepped for the founders party, which means picking out dresses." She continued, descending the stairs. "Hold up" I said sleepily, I need to do something first.

I wanted to be honest and say that I needed to talk to Stefan, but didn't want to make it weird. Two steps at a time, I climbed the stairs, and was about to knock on Elena's door, when I was met with the very face I wanted to find. His eyes said it all.

We went into my room and I locked the door behind us, so as to no one walking in. I sat down on my mattress, but he stayed standing. "I have a plan." He said hoarsely. "I'm all ears." I said, at ease. Quietly, he enlightened me about the stash of vervain his "uncle" was keeping in the basement. "So, we roofie him with vervain?" I asked, puzzled. "No, he'll be too smart for that." Stefan said. "So how do you suggest we get it in his system?" I questioned. "I don't know." Stefan said agitatedly, pacing around the small room. "Can we spike the blood he drinks?" I asked. "Will that even work?"

"It could, only we don't know who he will drink from next and when." Stefan answered. "I could drink it and make him angry enough to drink from me again?" I offered. "No, he already took a bite out of your neck only yesterday, he'll be too suspicious if you come back for more." Stefan deflected. "Speaking of, are you feeling okay?" He asked, his face filled with worry I wasn't used to. "I'll be fine, I just want him to be gone." I grumbled. Suddenly Stefan had an idea. Or it looked like he had an idea.

"Damon is 'dating' Caroline, yes?" He asked excitedly. "Yes, why?" I asked uncertainly. "So that means he will most definitely feed on her from time to time, no suspicion, she's basically his human blood bag." Stefan whispered.

Suddenly I knew were he was leading on. "Absolutely not!" My words bursted out. "He won't feed on her, so don't even go there." I said strictly. "His guard will be down with her, he won't even think about her having anything to do with this." Stefan tried convincing me. " I will heal her, and make her forget afterwards, it'll be well worth ending him."
"I am not roofieing my friend." I said with certainty. "The vervain won't hurt her." Stefan assured. I wasn't one to cave in, but there seemed like there was no alternate option. "Fine." I huffed in defeat. He spent the next half hour ensuring Caroline's safety, and the parts we each had to play.

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