// Carved Reunion //

Start from the beginning

The mask sends chills down my spine, does Tim feel safe in that mask? Does he like to scare people?

I patiently watch them flirt in the reflection, ignoring me.

"Doesn't matter that their in here...just pretend it's jus you and me." Brian tries to persuade Tim, now I know for sure what Brian's trying to do.

Make me jealous.

It comes to my attention that I'm now washing a cutting knife, been washing it ever since they walked in.

A scowl spreads on my face as I feel my chest drain of any remorse.

"Stop it, Brian. This is unprofessional." Tim whispers, furrowing his eyebrows on Brian behind the white mask.

Brian tilts his head, leaning in while staring at Tim with soft eyes.

My chest tightens, my eyes narrow on the two men in the reflection on the window. Maybe they were romantic before I got here, but I'm not having some dark blonde himbo mistake my love for game.

Before I know it, I've turned to face them, swiftly sending the knife flying in their direction at the second of brushing away my finger tips.


The knife lands on the far wall in-between them, deep down I wish it cut through their chests.

Brian stands in the middle of the kitchen, still processing why Tim pushed him away in the matter of seconds.

Tim turns to looks at me through his mask, standing still. I watch him slowly remove it, to display a man with wild sideburns, a bit of a beard and tired eyes.

I hold my gaze with him, hardening my eyes on his sudden force of radiating energy.

"Dayum, looks like Brian's Y/n's bitch." Toby is heard from the kitchen table, eating away at his bagel.

No one laugh's.

"Y/n, it was just a joke. You know, Trying to get this guy to come out'a his mask." Brian attempts a smile, nudging Tim's shoulder. But the brunette does not smile, he silently speaks to me through his brown eyes.

"Foolish"; He says.

I shift my gaze to Brian to mentally shake away the guilt, and instead physically shake my head side to side with a disapproving look.

"Bunny," Brian steps towards me.

"Come talk to me when you know how to fucking act around me." I state, unclenching my fists and push past him, our fingers brushing. I keep my eyes on the stairs that peek around the corner, and make my way to the living room.

As I walk to the stairs, no whispers are heard from below.

Which makes me smile in pride.


1 : 42 pm


To celebrate me being a new member of the house, I now am aloud to tag along on missions. And in this case, it's getting in Brian's rusty ass van that Toby calls the "Proxy Mobile" to go to town and to the nearest grocery store for groceries.

I remember when I went from walking, biking, then driving down to the super market when I had my old life. I miss my car, that old piece of shit. It had dad's smell of expensive Colone, yet faint cigarette smoke of his hidden anxiety.

Once we park in the parking lot, Brian sighs, taking out the keys and leans back in his seat. Tim puts out his cigarette, and slides his old wallet into his black coat pocket.

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