"We can try long distance if you want. Besides, you can visit me during the vacations, right?"

"Okay." I said looking anywhere but his face.

He pressed a kiss to my lips and I slid my tongue into his mouth. We made out for a couple of minutes, until the seatbelt dug painfully into my bladder.

"Facetime when you set up in your bedroom?" He asked me smiling.


"See ya, babe."

"See ya." I said and out of the car, before going to get my luggage from the trunk. I got one of those carts where I put all my boxes and suitcases so I could easily push them around.

After doing what I had to do, I went to find a Starbucks before calling Yuna.

"Hey bitch!" She greeted, a little too cheerful for my liking.

"Hey, Yuna... Ummm, are you still going to pick me up at the airport?"

"Yeah baby, Ningning and I were just about to leave, but we'll be there around four, right?"

"Yeah, time zones and all that."

"Do you want me to bring you something? You like coffee or something?"

"No worries."

"Weird. But it's okay, I'm so excited!"

Then I heard to Ningning make a strange noise and the call cut off.

I sighed and plopped down on one of the seats near the door. I was extremely happy to finally start a good life and a possible future on a completely different continent.

It was going to be amazing.

A few hours later, I was sitting between a wrinkled old lady and a guy who smelled like tacos, on my way to New York.

Even the accents of the people were exciting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seat belts, we are about to land at JFK, New York."

Everyone cheered once we landed and I could practically smell the American air.

"I stepped off the plane at JFK with my dreams and my cardigan, welcome in the land of fame and excess, who am I to fit in? I jumped on the ca-" I began to sing as I made my way out.

I'm an idiot, but who the fuck cares.

"Shut the fuck up!" Someone yelled as the doors opened.

My smile spread across my face as I walked toward the airport, looking for two familiar faces holding a sign with my name on it.

I immediately spotted Yuna and Ningning, though it wasn't that hard to distinguish them from the normal people who weren't jumping up and down and shouting my name.

I smiled and waved, walking towards them. I also saw someone strangely familiar with warm hazel eyes and brown hair pulled back. Yuna squealed and hugged me, before Ningning followed her actions.

"Oh my god, you grew like... A foot!" She said pushing me back by the shoulders so she could look at me.

"Actually only two inches, but whatever."

"Oh, oh... This is James!" She said looking at the boy. "James, this is my cousin Ryujin. He's Ningning's roommate and he's there to be a musician, he plays the drums."

Yuna looked at me arching her eyebrows and I wanted to slap her in the face because that was so embarrassing.

"I'm sorry, but you look very familiar." I said turning to James, trying to ease the tension.

AFTER Summer Love [G!P]Where stories live. Discover now