Ch.15 [ Feathers of Spring ]

Start from the beginning

But, I'm happy that I met them...
I stretch, and pick my things up.

I change into a raven, and fly into air...
Observing the desert, it's a nice sight.
Thankfully, amount of nevermore on Menagerie is somewhat, zero?
Never met one here.

Minutes pass by, as I enjoy the wind....

Slowly approaching, I spot the Camp. And with it, Sienna once again training Adam?

I land nearby, and check if someone will see me... clear!
I land and change myself back.
Walking few meters, I sit down and look at their fight.

They keep at attacking and blocking eachother, but Sienna keeps distance from Adam thanks to her whip.

Minutes pass by, as they finally end. And I give them few claps of applause.

Me: Great training session.

Sienna turns to me, and glares.

Sienna: Where the hell have you been? Kali was here few minutes ago.

Me: Was she?

She nods, as I pick myself up and turn towards Kuo Kuana.

Me: Then, I'd better hurry up. See ya!

Sienna: See ya.


*Ozpin's Pov* (Beacon, his office. A month or two later.)

Me: Thank you all, for gathering.

I sit together with other Headmasters, and few other colleagues.

Theodore, Headmaster of Vacuo Huntsman Academy. He's a man in his late 30's/early 40's.
Donned in typical Cowboy attire. (just like good'ol HIGH NOON)

Leonardo Lionhart, Headmaster of Mistral Huntsman Academy.
A Lion Faunus, with somewhat light-brownish tail, and sharp nails.
Donned in a brownish tuxedo.

James Ironwood, General of Atlas Military, and Headmaster of Atlas Huntsman Academy.
Unlike others in the room, who give off calm 'aura', he gives a 24/7 serious one.
He's in white military outfit with few bluish marks and lining.

James: Of course we would. You said there's something important?

I nod, and check window.... seems like Qrow got drunk today, and wasted himself.

Theo: Y'know, I have bunch of kids to teach back there and find missing girlie, so can we hurry?

Leo: Me too. The break is about to end, which we had due to... a students misshaps.

Me: Then I'll keep it short. First of all, we have few bad news, and good one's.

James: Let's start with bad one's.

I nod, and open a file as a hologram with few data's pulls up.

Me: Raven Branwen, died sometime ago. Qrow's sister.

Leo: But... she wasn't part of the circle?

I nod and pull another, a young Wolf Faunus.

Me: Raven Branwen, was identified as Spring Maiden. She died, ambushed by Witch minions. Sadly, Qrow isn't here today but he's the one who told me that.

James: And the boy?

I release a sigh.....

Me: That boy's name is, Akira Branwen. Adoptive child of Raven, on her deathbed. Qrow confirmed, that she gave him bits of magic in form of changing into a raven. And he knows who that was.

Theo slams his hands on the table.

Theo: Fuck! We had a Maiden so close?! What about the boy? Did he te-

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